How do you budget your money

I keep over spending.

I owe my brother an embarrassing amount of money but at least I’m paying him some interest.

Still, it’s terrible!!


Don’t worry about it. Mental illness usually goes hand in hand with dodgy impulsive spending lol.

I was screwing up for years, until I got the sister and brother in law to manage it.

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I do ok sometimes but lately I’ve been messing up.

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I just make sure that the first thing i do when i get money is pay for rent,bills and groceries. Those come first no matter what. Then and only then can i buy anything unnecessary.


I presonally think its wack that you are paying interest to your brother. But thats just me.


I have a deputyship at social services that manages my money and pays my bills plus gives me an allowance every Thursday. I do really well and can save a considerable amount out my benefits a month this way.

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Essentials covered 1st by direct debit. Then I spend varying amounts of what’s left,but never so much that I get into debt.

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I often write down a budget at the beginning of the month. First comes all my monthly bills, YouTube premium, Apple Music, Amazon Prime etc. I add those up. Then I write down my monthly donation and my two credit card payments and my internet service and phone and add those up. Then I have the big ones, gas food and rent and fast food.Add tthose up. Then add the three sums. That’s my monthly budget, I see exactly how much is going out.
I wrote down my two incomes; my SSDI and my paycheck. Then I subtract all the outgoing expenses from my income and see how much I extra I have left over to work with. It’s usually between $400-$600. So that’s where all my Amazon purchases and haircuts comes from. This is how I budget. If no unexpected expenses come up I can come out ahead $200 or $300 each month.


I keep a monthly planner. I write every bill that’s due on each individual day. That includes auto-payments that are coming out for like hulu and apple music and such. I write down how much I will be getting from each payday every Friday. I make sure to save enough from each paycheck to pay rent. Rent is my top priority always, then after rent I budget out what I can spend on food and other things.


My major expense is my utility bills. gas. electric and water, cell phone and TV/internet package. so £300 a month, then my food bill at £200 a month, the rest is saved for holidays, I save £1189.40 every 4 weeks.

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Thanks for the input I really appreciate it. I’ve kinda gone out of control. So it’s good to see how you guys keep the budget.

I don’t know how to budget money. But my father is a master at it. And at the moment I have to learn from his wisdom. He says to always make his money grow as his philosophy. And he lives well under his means also which helps him make his money grow. And he can live for the basics in life just food and shelter and family. It took me 50 years to realize my father is smart and disciplined with money.

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I also keep everything on direct debit first. Then food and vape pods then whatever else, usually avoiding debt. Aside from the debt which I already had that is included in the direct debits which I clear before I spend elsewhere

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My expenses are the same every month so I know about how much I’ll have. My problem is waste. So this month I got on weight watchers and only stayed on my diet a week so that’s $23.99 wasted. I bought a $30 video game that I won’t play. Meh I gotta quit doing stuff like that. Going out to eat is expensive too. I have three sources of income. My goal is always to make it on just the social security and only dip into my other sources for purchases outside of living. I haven’t been able to do that though I’ve still been saving most my extra money.


I used to live very frugally but now that I’m in Spain I’m spending more money.


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