I decided to make myself a new budget. I went through my grocery history and found that I paid $265 in groceries alone last month. I think I’m gonna budget $300 for groceries every month. I’ve been in a bad habit of ordering delivery and I’m going to stop doing that immediately. I’m spending more money than I’m making which is not good. I removed my credit card from PayPal and took it off my Amazon account so I can’t spend more on the credit card and I’m going to pay $200 per month towards that balance to help get my debt under control. I really need to work more hours in order to support myself.
I just got hit with 18 dollars in service fees for using my bank card. ouch.
Welcome to my world. I rarely buy anything. I plan to buy things, but rarely do. I can’t afford it, and had to give most of my furniture away, moving around and am afraid to buy any.
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