Since I quit my last job and my new one doesn’t start for another 2 months, I am unsure how to spend my time. I start volunteering at a high school debate team this week and am helping out my mental health advocacy group. My main motive is to practice developing a better work ethic. I am also spending a considerable amount of time studying programming and reviewing concepts I learned every day. I also go to support groups and a bunch or responsibilities like doctors and therapists appointments, errands for my mom, etc. I am suddenly busier than a regular person! It is frustrating though because I’m doing all this to train my brain and body, yet I constantly seem to be struggling. Anyways, how do you spend your time?
I volunteer five morning a week
I go coffee with my mum
I read
Listen to a lot of music.
I am depressed right now and don’t do much of anything. I sleep a lot. When my family comes home from school/ work, I might go downstairs and sit in the living room with them if I feel up to socializing or if I feel guilty enough for not socializing. I want so badly to get up and clean the house, play my instruments, read books, go grocery shopping, start showering again, play games with my kids, hold a conversation with my husband… all of those little things that people take for granted or don’t want to do. I would love to do them. That’s how I want to spend my time. I just don’t.
Mostly lying in bed watching Youtube videos.
What do you watch? I cannot find that many YouTube videos to watch besides their movies.
I cook meals twice a day and dish washing afterwards, reading and writing around noon between 10am-2pm, taking a walk after dinner everyday, going grocery shopping every other day, ironing my husband’s shirts twice a week, feeding the fish once every other day and changing water once every week,
I think I shall make it a goal to finally shower tomorrow, put on makeup and dress nice, then get out of the house for a while. It’s been some time since I left the house. Maybe I can spend my time more productively.
School, work, my boyfriend, pretty much. Tuesday-Thursday are the action-heavy days.
Lots of daily chores. Taking care of my cat and my friend, shopping, watering and light gardening, playing guitar, computer, music, etc.
How do y’all function so well? How do you get to the point where you can get up and do chores, go out with other people, get out of bed? I am envious; I want to be like that. Even during manic phases, I am not productive. I tend to get OCD issues at that time, and I focus all of my energy on that (compulsive shopping, for example- I spend all my time looking at and thinking about things I can buy, and I stay up all night on the computer adding things to my cart to see how much it would cost me to get those things.).
I just follow what I learn in day treatment which is to slowly expose yourself to your fears and work on your habits till your brain rewires itself. It is really an art and pushing yourself to the point of stress might not be worth it… Like relax but make a new goal every day like wake up early, eat a healthy breakfast, etc. A big magic mood improver for me is to spend the day outside the house a few hours. Idk why. It means I’m around people, I see the sunshine, spend a few dollars here or there. It really is a easy way to turn a normal day into a better one.
I’ve done that for years. I’ve recently whittled down the emails I get to just music stuff. Of course, since I’ve joined, I also get emails from the forum.
I enter tons of guitar contests. I used to look up all sorts of guitar-related stuff- new products, demo videos, etc., which is the new eBay for music equipment. Blah blah blah.
I even used to try to get approved for purchases when I had no money in my account. I literally have no credit and actually have an outstanding debt for an unpaid phone bill. I figured they would just deliver me the goods and it would just ruin my non-credit score a little more. Funny.
The internet is the devil’s playground that’s for sure. Online shopping is an obsession of mine too. Except I usually can’t buy anything I get weirded out over.
I go to my clubhouse, drive, try and volunteer at the community garden, go to Church, visit my mum and sister, meet with friends, trying to start a fish tank, trying to start a book share, listen to music and come on here trying to get a job
Yeah, it’s addicting, that’s for sure. Unfortunately, I will rearrange my budget so I can spend money I don’t have. It can be ruinous to us financially. My husband is understanding and has never gotten angry at me. I don’t know how he manages to deal with me when I do things like that.
I spend most of my time staring at the wall
I go walking twice a week for an hour in the countryside. Volunteer once a week. Attend another group which co tributes everything we make towards raising money for mental health.
I am going to the gym on Monday with my support worker and hopefully I will keep that up by myself.
I stay with my mum at the weekends.
These things don’t actually take up huge amounts of time so I spend a lot of time bored staring in my own thoughts. I may occasionally play a game on the PS4 but recently not been into it much.
I am trying to fill my time with more with a hobby of some kind
I do nothing. I lay on the couch watching stupid tv.
I watch over my grandmother while I play videogames, read posts in this forum or pace back and forth…
During the uppidity moods I do alot like PS4, poetry, woodburning, whittling, astronomy, TV, musical instruments, cooking, chess, backgammon, cribbage, r/c helicopters and sailboats and airplanes, and other types of ill ■■■■.