When you know they’re not real but you can’t ignore them?
I know mine aren’t real. I don’t ignore them. I don’t know why. They turn off when the heating and air conditioning system turn off or when the toilet quits running so, they are self limiting. Otherwise, I would be listening to them constantly. All they do is mumble anyway. I’m very blessed.
What kinds of hallucinations?
Any of the senses.
Figures, shadows out to get me. Voices when the ac turns on. Or when there’s loud sounds. My common one is a guy following me around…that one took me a while to figure out it wasn’t real.
Yeah the shadow men are freaky. That took a while for me to figure out they weren’t real too. I was convinced they were assassins.
@SkinnyMe how did you deal with it?
I always leave a bedroom light on at night because of those hallucinations (shadow men). They have permanently traumatised me. The light is my safety barrier.
I sleep with my closet light on and the bathroom hallway light on. I hate the dark.
I keep the lights off, otherwise they can see you in the light just fine.
I’d rather “they” be in the light so I can see them.
I didn’t deal with it well at all. I ran over to my ex husbands apartment and asked him to protect me. He just told me I was safe and told me to go home. Which I did. The shadow men were following me everywhere. I was even afraid to go to sleep at night. They would be there, by my bed, pointing guns at me.
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