How did you end up becoming a moderator?

I don’t want to be one I am just curious.


They had no choice. It’s in the contract.


This is a good question. I’m curious as well. Were there different mods before you guys? I know that @shutterbug was a mod at some point, but were there any others?

I appreciate the mods so much and idk how they do it I wouldn’t be able to be a mod


I was asked whether I was interested in becoming a Mod by @SzAdmin.

I was originally hesitant because I do not have sz/sza or a psychotic disorder. I have generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and major depressive disorder (MDD). I have a friend who has sz and I joined the forum back when the forum still combined the diagnosed and family/caregivers on the same forum.

In any case, @SzAdmin and the other Mods assured me that it was OK for me to become a moderator so I did. That was almost three years ago! :slightly_smiling_face:


This current forum website is a make-over of an old forum website. The old site was crashing frequently and could take anywhere from a day to two weeks to get back up and running. That’s the history lesson. But on the old forums the moderators, to the best of my memory, were not schizophrenics using the site themselves for support or help. I believed they were outside people who Brian the creator and owner of this site picked to moderate. I was always confused because I think they changed their screen names sometimes and I never knew if there were two moderators or three. But I know for sure that a gentleman called Dugal was a moderator for a long time until unfortunately he passed away. He was a nice guy.


@BarbieBF was a moderator when I joined. I think she had a son that was sz if I am not mistaken.

I don’t know what happened to her.


Pixel got burnt out from Moderating and needed a break. Rhubot and Moonbeam were asked to fill in and then they brought Treebeard and Ninjastar on board to lessen the load I assume.


Pixel was moderating this forum all on his own for quite some time. I still don’t know how he managed that, especially since he worked full-time as well. In my eyes, Pixel was a legendary Moderator! I still remember how he made up titles/taglines for people. They were so funny. He’s got a fantastic sense of humor. :slightly_smiling_face:


i asked to be a mod but they said i was over qualified :joy::rofl::rofl::rofl:


They asked me if I wanted to be a moderator a long time ago.
I answered, “You mean I’m not?”


Satan cornered me in a dark alley and gave me a choice between a deadly STD that involved leaking fluids in an embarrassing manner and moderating here. About two months in I realized I should have gone with the STD.


Hahahah :rofl: thats funny -giving people taglines. I wonder what mine would be. I know someone has the tagline “5mg is not a therapeutic dose of abilify” after i commented about being on only 5mg. Makes me laugh everytime i see it.

Pro tip: dont use physicians to self medicate.

Edit: its @everhopeful who has that tagline about 5mg abilify.

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“I’m only vicious when I’m viscous.”
“We won’t discuss my carbon footprint.”
“Fuelled by fossils.”
“Not so easily extracted.”


My piece-de-resistance was when I banned SzAdmin and it took him a month to notice. His profile said he was banned into the next century, I believe. (A ban didn’t stop him from using his account since it’s God Level, but it did put a huge red X on his profile. So awesome.)



I wonder what my tag line would have been! ???

“Tickling your ivories.”
“Just a little out of tune.”
“Tips go in the jar, please.”


Hilarious @shutterbug!!! Love ‘em!!!


I was thinking mine was “earned the title sz” or “its called karma, thus me”

But i love yours even more! :heart:

@LilyoftheValley @anon99233869. Let me know if you want me to add one of Pixels suggested tag lines to your profile.

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