How Come Nobody is Just Plain Dumb Anymore?

When I grew up, there were plenty of dumb kids in our neighbourhood.

But today those same people would be labelled ‘Educationally Challenged’ or have ‘Learning Disabilities’.

Why can’t doctors and teachers just tell the truth anymore?

Actually in my High School, the dumb kids went into Shop Class working on cars…etc. Now they are licensed mechanics and probably making way more money than I am at the moment.


There was a dumb kid in my neighborhood who did nothing but lift weights all the time. He joined the military and got the highest honor in the last war. He is now a US Senator.


I was in primary school in the early seventies. Even back then we had two classes set aside for those with learning disabilities. It was known as the “Special Class”. We grew up in the playground with them,. They were some of the most beautiful kind hearted souls I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.

I often think of them in my older age. Particularly Dale, a tall, dark haired, olive skinned kid who wore calipers on his legs.

Its not about what you know in life, its who you know.


I think the dumb kids from my generation all became Politicians…Real Estate Agents…or used Car Salesmen.

I wasn’t the brightest in the bunch, but I excelled more in stuff like scamming and drug dealing than I ever did in books or literature.

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I was very smart but bored to study.
Other kids, somehow dumb, were studying and they were getting good grades.
Today they make money, and i am a useless, unemployed schizophrenic.
I am not very comfortable with the term dumb,though.
They just had some difficulties, or they were not so fast in thinking


$10 says @anon39054230 's post gets flagged in a couple of hours.


I got lousy grades in High School…because I was lazy…and perhaps a little dumb as well. lol!

Well, do you like it when people refer to us as “crazy”, “maniacs”, or “lunatics”?

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It may be just me, but I’m finding the OP quite offensive . The terms used now are far better, and have nothing to do with doctors and teachers wanting to lie .


Yes, of course…

And you aren’t short anymore. You are vertically challenged.

You aren’t bald anymore. You are folically challenged.


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Yeah lol - Trouble is in my opinion @anon39054230 is right.

I know a couple of people like that - that claim to have Dyslexia (no doctors diagnosis), and yet in reality, they used to bunk off school and never did their GCSE’s in basic english and maths.

Its just we have all turned into snowflakes these days, and its just not PC to call someone Dumb.


I guess you aren’t even allowed to call someone a Bank Robber anymore…it might hurt their feelings.

We should refer to them as 'people who forcefully take out loans" or something like that.



One person i know - even tried claiming Disability benefits for it, to the extent he grew a beard and wore dirty clothes on purpose, claiming he couldnt read - thinking he could con the DWP on the medical.

They saw right thru him obviously, that he was just a lazy bum. And a college course was what he needed, not for the govt to pay for him to sit on his fat arse playing video games and smoking weed all day.


True story. A math teacher while doing a lecture, once said to me, in front of the whole class, “you are not very bright!” So I told her “you aren’t very skinny!” I was in Special Education from 5th grade to 10th grade which meant I was allowed to go to a separate room to study where the class size was maybe 1 to three. When the special ed teacher stepped out of his room one day I hopped on his computer and read my file. It said “Skunk has trouble participating in classroom discussions.” No ■■■■.



How come your wife constantly reassures you that your receding hairline is okay…that she’s okay with it.

But the moment you get into a heated argument she yells out, “Shut up Baldy!”



Haha - Thats what i call my twin brother in jest when were having a banter. He’s as bald as a coot - and im grey uptop. He retorts calling me a loony tunes - but hes not serious about it lol.

My brother got the muscles - but i got the brains in the family :smiley:

We have an understanding - he does my DIY like fixing lights and leaky taps - and i sort out his computer for him.


I’d like to point out it’s possible to have something to do with learning ability without having a doctor’s dx. This is especially true for those of us over the age of 45, or so , who were of average or above intelligence .

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The reason is because when teachers use different approaches to get kids to learn, more kids end up passing and going on to jobs they can be successful in, and fewer end up on disability. They didn’t change the terminology just to protect people’s feelings. They did it so they could create a stronger workforce with more productive people.