There’s something to be said about youth and being more capable, smart, creative than I am now in a lot of ways. On the other hand they really lack wisdom.
For example in my class there’s 19 year old kids who make me feel slow in comparison. But on the other hand I definitely can SEE the differences in wisdom and maturity between me and them. Like they were saying sexist and a kinda racist things, and then 3 seconds later they’re talking about love for hip hop music and are flirting with the female teacher.
I pretend to play along a little. At first I gave a weird look. Then realized I didn’t wanna seem lame and kinda chuckled
And do you think they are quicker than me because I suffer from sz, they’re younger, or a combination of both???
They’re really smart kids in a way but One got kicked out of his 4 year college he said and now at community college. Idk he might be into drugs cuz he’s sometimes acting dumb and stuff and they say stuff but yeah.
It’s interesting being in group with teenager troublemaker type kids. A lot to learn from them I feel.