How can you lower blood pressure

how can you lower blood pressure

I take 2 different kinds of high blood pressure medication and I walk a lot, this helps lower my pressure.

You mean, naturally? I heard that white onion and tomato works.
High blood pressure is not to be play with. I hope you’ll consider seeing a doc.

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I’ve heard that raw potato works but I’ve never tried it myself. Just like @Wave I’m on two different meds for my high blood pressure. You can monitor it yourself with a blood pressure meter and record your findings and give it to your gp. Your gp can also provide you with a 24 hour monitor in order to prescribe the best meds for your specific case.

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But few will do this because taking some pill or eating something is believed to be easier.

There, fixed it for you.

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Cut down the salt in your diet

Exercise, lose weight and minimize your stress to reduce your blood pressure naturally.

get rid of stress
hawthorn tea/ lots of water
no sugar
cut down caffiene
often blood pressure is connected to your kidneys…hence lots of water.
i hope you are feeling better :heartbeat:
take care :alien:


@Darksith breaks it down… as usual. :heart_eyes: (Listen: Think we could make deal for you to translate my stuff?)

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Get a juicing machine - raw beetroot juice - have a small glass each day. I’ve heard garlic lowers BP as well.

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you are way to bright… :sunny:
i would need to have a few lifes… :man: :man: :man:
and get a few degrees ( plural ). :books:
i am a simple sith lord…still trying to get my light saber to work ( it is jammed again ! )

and tie up my shoelaces…!?! :blush:
take care :alien: