How can I manage my thoughts?

So I know I’m ill now. Well I’m struggling with accepting it but it’s the first step to recovery. Anyway as I said I wasn’t been on my medication for about 10 days and now I’m experiencing severe paranoia and hearing voices. It looks so real to me tho I’m still trying to convince myself it’s not real

How can I manage those thoughts???

Has anyone been in the similar situation? How did you handle this?

Get back on your meds. But I also recommend Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. It helped me to manage my hallucinations and gain a sense of power over them. I will always see angels and demons and bugs and shadow people. I will always hear my angel talking to me as well as occasionally demons and muffled voices of people in the next room. I’m not interested in trying to get rid of any of them. But I did need to learn how to manage them better.
When I was young, it probably would have helped me to get rid of them. If you can get on a good combo of meds and stop the hallucinations then that would be ideal. Do everything you can. :heart:


I took my first pill today! It was basically against my will, but I had to chose between the meds and hospital


If it’s a choice of panic, fear, uncertainty and suffering, OR taking your medication, the best choice is take your medication. I hope it brings you to a more peaceful state of mind. Then, like I said, I recommend therapy (CBT) so that what the medication maybe doesn’t alleviate you can deal with to function better. I wish you the very best.


Basically you are right. I’m afraid of being sectioned and every single pill is like poison for me. So I took it today BUT against my will.

I need to get us to it, I hope the best. I believe one day I will start taking it without panicking

Pills are terrifying to me. I know exactly how you feel. You’re very brave to push past the fear and do the right thing.
Going into hospital is not the worst thing either though. Getting the most and best help is really important. :heart:


Really?! So I’m not the only one who thinks that pills are poisoning us?!

I’m glad you are taking your medicine again. If you take it consistently for a few weeks, the fears should start to go away.


Thank you, I thought I lost you as a friend and everyone else as well.

No, you didn’t lose me. I just felt that, in the state you were in last night, continuing the discussion would only make you more panicked.

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More details are written here. More like the explanation of what was going on, or call it however you want.

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