Seriously, the thing i love the most in life is getting stoned and drunk with friends.
If I do this like 1x/week, can I get psychosis?
Already doing that and so far so good, but i’ll get a lower dose soon.
that bad !?!
take care
The alcohol depends on the person, I never had problems at one point but started too after embarrassing myself from being blackout drunk. As for weed you will never stand a chance of getting off antipsychotics if you smoke that.
Is does all boil down to if your happy. If you like getting drunk and stoned then why not, if it makes you happy then keep going.
your thread is going to get bombarded with anti drug and anti drinking experts who are in AA but I think as long as it’s just once a week you’re fine. I smoke weed but rarely drink due to no friends. I see no problem with it.
do you take much meds?
any symptoms?
are you off APs and drink alcohol?
yes I’m schizophrenic and take prolixin (generic fluphenazine) no symptoms.
I’m on AP’s at the moment. I drink but if I drink to much I have problems, this is caused by the number of times I’ve had a blackout.
@jukebox that may be due to the AP. I also take an AP and smoke weed sometimes, and don’t get symptoms. the point is that i’m quitting the AP. guess i should stop smoking
@seriouslydisturbed right. i don’t even like drinking that much, 1 liter of beer and i’m ok. wanted to know if i get off AP i can still do that. most people would say no, but who knows
I’d say drinking does not cause relapse as I was off medication once for almost 5 years and I was always drinking and I got blackout drunk many times. Its smoking weed which made me relapse.
thanks!! not that bad, but still bad because i love smoking 100x times more than drinking lol.
i’ve read somewhere that alcohol SUPRESSES the crown chakra, while weed activates it.
Every brain is different when it comes to alcohol. I’ve discovered that a little alcohol is fine for me, but coffee can be dangerous. Weed though, it causes paranoia and hallucination in neurotypicals. For us, it is just not an option.
thanks. than maybe my psychosis was just weed-induced? lol. the sad part is that it came back when i lowered APs.
youre on APs, right? I guess i can manage being off meds and still drink a little alcohol
Weed may have been a trigger, but I doubt it was the whole picture. Love s of factors go into making us crazy. I am on a low dose of Geodon, and I drink roughly 2-4 beers a week with no negative effects. If you’re going off completely, I would recommend avoiding all mind altering substances for two months or so and then slowly reintroducing alcohol to see how it goes. Do it slowly so you can find out how it affects you.
I am not encouraging you to go off your AP’s ??? If you have been prescribed AP’s you need to stay on them !! I doubt your psychosis was caused by weed.
@cj9556 yeah, guess i’ll do that.
eat healthy, exercise, meditation… and no drugs
@jukebox my pdoc is ok with going off to see how it goes
As a recovering addict with 25 years clean I would just say be careful. It’s too easy for a once-a-week habit to turn into two days. Then three days a week and so on…It happens to the best of us and it could happen to anyone. And I think there’s truth in the saying that pot is a gateway drug.
I started off having a couple beers on the porch after work with a neighbor and going and getting drunk at clubs on weekends and smoking the occasional joint and graduated to spending my entire $200.00 paycheck on crack every two weeks. And I became an addict. It all started off innocently enough. And you should be aware that people with schizophrenia tend to abuse drugs and alcohol more than the general population. So we are more at risk for alcoholism and addiction.
@77nick77 did you get symptoms when drinking and smoking? was on APs?
Well you put me in a tough position here quemsoueu. If I tell you the truth I feel that I would be encouraging a fellow schizophrenic to use which is the last thing I want. I don’t think any person with schizophrenia should use drugs or drink because of the risks I mentioned. But to be honest, yes, I was on AP’s during my entire crack addiction and no, crack did not make my symptoms worse. Or better. But the effects of weed was especially hard to handle. It definitely made my symptoms worse. Much, much worse. Before I got sick I was a daily smoker of pot and it was always fun, But after I got sick it was never fun anymore.
thanks so the problem is the weed :((((((( that sucks its my favorite drug