I’m back for advice

Hello everyone,

I’m still on 5mg Olanzapine.

I’ve been off of the forum for a while as I have been doing really well and almost felt as though there was nothing wrong with me.

I carried on with my old life and was going out with friends drinking. I had moved on from wanting my family back, was spending quality time with my son and no longer wanted my ex back.

The drinking caught up with me and I had a return of depression but no psychosis. I have become black out drunk a few times and still no psychosis.

I now feel down again and am considering coming off or reducing my medication again.



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Be careful with the old drinkys mate - its a sneaky bugger. Have at least a couple of days off from it if you can.

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Don’t come off or reduce your meds without your doctor’s consent.

If your drinking is becoming a problem then see if you can get help to stop. It’s difficult to control on your own without help.

I had to go to AA and I got lucky and they helped me.

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I only drink a few times a week, or maybe once with friends. But once I do there’s no stopping until I’m very drunk on most occasions.

Yeah will stop drinking completely now

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Have I completely recovered if I can get black out drunk and not relapse. I also took cocaine whilst drunk and didn’t relapse?

Either way I’m finished drinking now

Probably not a good idea drinking and taking Ap’s you could depress your respiratory system to far and stop breathing.

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Not only can you depress your breathing, but you’re putting extra stress on your liver. That’s really bad. Your liver processes the APs and the alcohol, so it’s working double when you drink.

Not to mention scarring it from the alcohol.

Don’t go off your AP without your pdoc’s support. You may be stable and not relapsing because the AP is working so well. Coming off it could trigger a relapse.


Alcohol makes me depressed in big amounts.

Too much coke can cause stimulant induced psychosis.

What the fukk are you doing with cocaine?!??
You’ll end up dead doing that crap!

Get real man!


Yea he said he recovered from sz but now in reality he’s doing worse haha

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Cocaine can cause heart attacks.


Don’t think it does. When I was 23 I sniffed £1000 worth in a day and drank a crate of beer and I am still here

Maybe rolling the dice if you have undiagnosed heart problems though

Cocaine Heart Attack and Symptoms of Other Cardiovascular Effects.

“It also causes blood pressure and heart rate to increase, and it disrupts the heart’s electrical signals.”

At least cocaine makes you feel good. These shitty drugs the medics hand out just make you fat and tired.

I’d rather ruin my life having a good time than wallowing and waiting for death

I didnt know that. Ok.

You can be happy without illegal drugs.

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I am not convinced after spending time doing both legal prescription and illegal drugs for a long enough time for me

Right now I’d rather be dead than being alive

Yeah, I don’t think it’s a matter of alcohol combined with antipsychotics causing psychosis so much as it is that they are both depressants and should not be taken together as they can enhance the side effects of each other…and as ZombieMombie pointed out, the combination is also particularly bad for your liver.