How are you with budgeting money?

I’m very implusive. Social services manage my finances as when I’m manic I spent 7k on hotel rooms and coke.

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I used to be terrible spent tonnes on takeaways and such.

Now I’ve improved greatly

I have a takeaway addiction.

It’s very easy to get into. Just press a button on ur phone and twenty minutes later food arrives.

Diet coke or regular?

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Marching powder kind

plus all details are saved on computer so just click order and it comes. Also the takeaway I use delivery’s alcohol. I havent had any alcohol for 6 weeks but before I was ordering a takeaway every nights with 10 cans of larger. I didn’t like to leave the house.

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I meant diet cocaine.


Im good with money I have come to realize that life is much easier when you know how to access resources like food stamps, ssi, dollar store, thrift stores, Craigslist, basic broadcast tv ---- im drug free, barely drink, I take meds and I’m good :slightly_smiling_face:


Ok so far. I cut it close lately, but im still paying bills on time. Hope they do second stimulas.

It’s difficult to budget for my addictions as they are getting more and more expensive apart from that, my pension is easy to budget on. I am not behind in rent and pay off my debts. I look after my clothes to last long. I use public transport as I don’t have a driverlicense. I managed to cut down my communication cost from $120 to $45.

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I’m really good with money. The only time I was bad with it was when I bought a dishwasher for no particular reason. Fortunately, they took it back. I was relatively young and, of course, psychotic.

Some years back I once brought all the Harry Potter auto books in a manic phase. Something like £50 per book downloaded from iTunes. I’ve don’t even like Harry Potter, the only reason I brought them is that I was convinced I could write a better book and I got a buzz buying £350 of iTunes cards from the shop thinking I was rich.

Must be nice to have all that money, huh?..

Personally, after rent and food, most if not all of my money goes to low carb monsters. Im not just addicted im dependent. I thought about rehab but people don’t take it seriously, it’s not covered by insurance, and they laugh.

I dont got 50k-80k to go to Malibu addiction center and it would be worthless anyways because of the cost, shame, me being a loser and stupid, and it wouldn’t work at all for me. Next day I would pound an energy drink. Im literally broke because of them. Its 110% my fault and responsibility.

I am okay with budgeting my money, I usually drink an iced coffee in the morning and every two weeks go shopping.

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I have been told I am good with money and I agree.

I could be better.

I don’t have savings as such.

I am saving for rego and car insurance and I’m saving for tattoos and I’m saving for my electricity bill and I want to save for future vet bill too.

I buy my x boyfriend in SA things and I want him to take me back but he said no but I’m hoping he will change his mind.
I want to buy him things and contribute to his go fund me page too.

I don’t drink alcohol and I don’t do drugs and I quit smoking over ten years ago.

I spend most on my horses agistment I think but am happy to do so as I want her to be the happiest she has ever been.
I left my x to give her a better home and become vegan and because I didn’t like glue traps .

As a fan I want to give my x stuff if or when I can but I’m not giving him heaps just a bit so I can still afford bills,stuff for myself etc

The guy I was seeing last lived expensively.
He was drinking a six pack of corona a day with lime and eating out often and etc
He had to rent his place out and go homeless rather than just move to a cheaper neighbourhood.
Maybe the cheaper neighbourhood couldn’t afford his work or priorities other things to spend their money on.
I wish him well but can’t take the drama n trouble n it’s not ok for him to put his sh it on me.

I am not in debt thankfully.

I was once in Sweden.

My land lord and family member said I’m good with money and I appreciate her saying that.
She might not say that when she finds out I spent money on tattoos.ha ha ha ha ha she hates tattoos.

If you have schizophrenia you should stay away from drugs,alcohol I think.

It’s destructive stuff and can do a lot of damage.

Can you replace coke with a massage or something that’s good for you?

That holiday sounds like a positive good thing.

Since I got sick I realized that I wouldn’t be able to work or do whatever I want so I started saving like crazy. I was really scared. I give my dad about $500 a month. $300 cash and $200 in food stamps. I started buying stocks in good companies and began investing in the stock market. I paid off my student loan last year and don’t even remember why I took out. The worst mistake of my life. I also started rebuilding my credit and went from a score of 599 to 700+. I want to get it past 750 so working on that. Since I got sick all the medical bills ruined my credit. I became pretty frugal and only spend about $100 a month on gas. Other than that I manage my money well. Don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t do drugs. Never have never will. Have a $100,000k+ net worth.


I want to live a more frugal life. I like reading budgeting websites, batch cooking and freezing, saving money. I want my weekly expenses coming to under £35 a week. My biggest expense before lockdown was alcohol and eating/drinking out. I’ve stopped drinking alcohol 6 weeks ago and feel so much better. I will cut out eating out to once a month.

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$100k is amazing and unheard of for a schizophrenic. Kudos to you man. What kind of work did you do before the illness?


Spending money makes me feel good!!!

When I run out, I stop.

No, seriously though, I have several thousand saved away. I only allow myself access to a certain amount of it. I keep two accounts, one that I save in, and the other that I treat as my account. If I hit zero on that one, I’m broke, no matter how much I have in the other.