I have two online current (checking) accounts which are easy assessable. I could keep my main one which my benefits get paid into, the other account, delete it from my phone and cut the card up so when I transfer money weekly £100) I have no access to it. Can’t open a new online banking without a debit card, can’t go to the cash machine without ordering a new bank card. Does this sound like a good plan? I spend money on impulse alcohol purchases and then expensive takeaways. What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing this?
Idk if this will help, but ive noticed a huge reduction in impulse spending with an SSRI. Specifically fluoxetine
That wouldn’t work for me. But I hopeit does for you…
You are not on abilify are you? It’s known to cause compulsive behavior for some.
@Speedy I heard the same thing. I was on Abilify 400mg a month but I had no gambling addictions.
I’m just bad at saving money.
My spending habits got better with time.
Ok! I understand.
Takeaways are unnecessary. You should cook your own food. I bought a lot of cheap meat which I have I’m my freezer. I only order takeaways once a month.
I have two banking accounts and I transfer money to the other account every month. I’m saving up for speakers.
I buy alcohol from the liqueur store. When I go out I only buy cheap beer as alcohol is very expensive in my country.
I have to save money for emergency situations. Last month I couldn’t afford buying meds. But luckily I had saved up some money.
You should have a budget and start saving.
I am saving a lot of money monthly in my social services account. My money is very complicated as I have a court appointed person who looks after my money and he gives me £160 a week to spend how I want. I only have to get my food out of that which is £60 a week. He pays all my bills and I’m saving £560 4/weekly in the social services account. I want to save £400 a 4/week month in my own account a month with the money I get. I’m spending £160 a week on beer and takeaways and coffees out with my support staff., Plus food. But I know I if U can keep to a budget of £60 a week I can save nearly £1000 a month for my holidays. but no willpower;.
It gets better with time, i think the fact that you are aware is a good sign. I usually use a calculator, a good pen and my diary. i usually organize my priorities and try to follow my goal. I always think having some spending money to buy things you want is good, but also givi9ng a little bit to the piggy bank is good! Best of luck!
give it to me ill keep it for ya buddy
@POET I will make you my new financial adviser. lol, Its got to be better the the current ones.
haha coool problem is i have a problem spending money too. i was just thinking today…i really gotta spend less dude. i bought books the other day for $50 which i havent read. I bought clothes etc… really gotta slow down on the spending. i buy stuff and never use it
I undertstand, due to your disabilty, you have problems managing your money.
But ive said it before - and i will say it again. Save some. Yeah you go on fancy holidays, but the other day you had less then 60p for a packet of poxy painkillers.
That aint good. You should not be that broke, with the money your on.
I would ask what your doing with it. It cant all be going on beer.
Edit. I re-read the post. I understand a large portion is being saved for you. Ever thought of a high interest account, where you cannot touch it for a couple of years?
Even with a couple of grand, with interest rates as they are, you could make a few quid - if you just saved it. And think about when your pension age? Your gonna lose your PIP then. You want to save some for the future x
im on zoloft and olanzapine and sometimes i cant even go 2 days without buying something. it kinda sucks but it will take a big effort on my part to stop giving in to the impulse
Time to become financially responsible. You’re already getting help. Part of the solution is impulse control.
Good luck!
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