How are you today?

I’m big enough to drink cow’s milk.


I’m just dandy thanks for asking :confused:

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I feel really flat today :pancakes:

on top of te world



Good looking forward to finally be done with my program soon.

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I went for a walk today. The weather was nice. I will go again Tomorrow. On Thursday I’m meeting up with friends. One of them is going for a year to Senegal next week. So it will be the last time I see them in a while.

For the rest I’m doing okay. Will go to bed soon.

I have laid around in the bed all day, it’s storming here and it’s suppose to all week.

I don’t like to respond to anybody who doesn’t care or comment on others threads.
but I guess I just did.

I’m okay. I’m big enough to drink almond milk.

i am moving through time and space triumphantly.


Ive just woke up 9pm
Mum and dad came we went out
I feel okay :+1:

You think I’m bad, now. I used to be worse. I get called “a taker not a giver.” My reason is that I get upset easily so I avoid a lot of topics.

Thats fair enough

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Im okay. Had some hallucinations this morning. But met with my case manager. We think it is due to stress. Cause i dont wanna switch my AP. I like it more than the others.

Why do you have to change meds? Is it side effects do you mind me asking

I know how you feel. Anxiety leads to tensions. Tensions lead to hallucinations. There are people who manage stress better than others. I think their motto is “Work, don’t worry.” Which is ok if you don’t let lack of confidence interfere. If the stress is something you can’t do anything about, people say “Let go and let G.”

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Yeah, i kind of have to learn to let go. Because its my living situation. Ive done all i can to put in motion for that to change. Now to wait.

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Oh no i dont have to change. But im still having hallucinations but will just handle them as they come. It helps with a lot of other stuff. :slight_smile:

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Waiting is the hardest part. Do you have things to do to fill your day?

Yes I do. I meet with my support team or go to groups Monday through friday. And i read books or play videogames and walk my dog daily. :slight_smile:

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