How affective are online degrees?

How affective are they? Are employers impressed by an online degree?

Online degrees can open doors, particularly if they are STEM based. As long as you can prove your knowledge in the interview.

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Ok cool. I’m considering going back but online.

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It’s worth a shot. In the uk the open uni is valued even if the public don’t value it, the private sector actually do value it.

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Ok thanks.

What does 1515 mean? I’ve seen on this forum a few times and I’m genuinely confused by it

15 letter minimum per post, just filler.

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I did an online program for my nursing degree and I was hired immediately upon obtaining my license. Employers do not care.

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I might do an online free IT certification. My brother’s friends only needed that to be hired and being paid 80-120K.

I think oregon state has a second BS in CS online but not sure if they work with canadians…

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It gets the job done.

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My brother’s friends did it on UiPath, it was free when I started it. I was in Robotic Process Automation, I did 27% of the course so far.

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Its still free!


I’m going from dropping out of a top #1 or top #2 public school in USA to an unranked, accredited, nonprofit, recognized, affordable, and reputable online school called WGU in CS some day. It’s like 7k a year which should be free given my income bracket if I file for FAFSA. I don’t know when I’ll do it maybe never, but I don’t care about reputation or rank anymore. I dropped out 10 years ago and have 3 years of college credit and might go back to get my feet wet at a community college and get my AS-T in Math. That way I’ll have an AS-T and can skip 10 out of 33 courses so I only take 23 courses for the degree in computer science. It should take no more than 2 years to complete.

It’s no Harvard or MIT but it gets the job done. I have changed over the years. I theoretically could do it or am smart enough but I am honestly scared and not ready to fork out real cash and sign paper work.

I’m not really interested in working.

If I don’t do computer science, I would do mathematics or computer/electrical engineering at a local state school, but I don’t know. I’m just so scared and I hate being around people now. Online is so affordable and advantageous and convenient.

There’s probably more to it than just get IT degree and bam 100k lol.

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There really isn’t lol My brother, in IT, is making now 100K as a starting salary in the biggest telecommunication and TV company in Canada, Bell. He will ask later to raise his salary by 10-20K.

I like the online degree idea. I think because of covid it will become more accepted.

In the software engineer realm around here they still prefer traditional degrees or diplomas.

But I mean startups will take you more likely. FAANG will more likely want traditional

My brother in IT is basically replacing 100 employees. He codes automated programs to replace lots of workers.

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Yeah but he probably knows what he’s doing. I mean you have to be competent and also consistent in that realm.

You can’t just spend a bunch of time get the online degree and then not perform to said companies expectations.

That’s what problem I’ve run into in my studies. I’m just not consistent enough because of my mental health problems


Yea its easy for him but I don’t know about me with my sz lol