Hmm guess what

Fired from job and was in hospital from relapse oh and on my birthday. Asked mom if I can move back in.

Going sit back and try and watch the movie ‘first do no harm’

Sad day for me. Had this episode where I thought or was getting messages that my cousin was my soulmate. Family is blowing it up. I tried to stay inpatient but they only had me over night.


Good luck with your recovery.

The bridge-burning from psychotic episodes is the worst, I can say first-hand.


Hey. You’re safe and alive. You’ve made it passed another birthday. We all have set backs. You’ll bounce back.


Happy birthday @Grace_Mercy! Best wishes with your recovery.


Happy Birthday! I’m sorry you struggled on your bday. Hopefully things start looking and feeling better soon!


Sorry things haven’t gone well for you today. Hope it gets better soon.


Oh that’s awful especially for it to happen this time of year. I hope you can get through it. I know you won’t believe this but I had the exact same delusion about my cousin when I was in one of my first major episodes.


I feel like an adult according to my age. Turned 29 today. But I act like a child. I feel broken. I thought for sure my job had fired me and I called him and told him what was going on and he wants me to come in the office just to talk. I worked there a year without a single call out or no show. I guess a year straight is proff I can do it. I just wanted to run away. Turn my phone off and hide inpatient. It doesn’t seem like my family is as mad as they should be about it. My pastor nor my grandma his mom even knew about it.

When they ask do you want to hurt yourself or others? Yeah because I want to stay. Today was a very strange day.

Sitting here in tears. I blew this thing up with false assumptions. I took 2 sleeping pills and walked in circles all night in the hospital. I kept telling the doctors there is no hope. It’s unforgivable. This almost feels like a fairy tale. I beat myself up to death nearly believing the my whole family and church was against me. I thought what I did it just must be gossiped.

My job didn’t fire me
Out of a situation I literally thought there was no hope my family dropped it like it was nothing. I blew it up. No I didn’t blow it up. I nuked it like everything.

It’s like this very bad thing I did went away like it was nothing. After the nukage.

Sitting here in a cold dark empty room saying how bad my birthday was. And it turned out to be the best one ever.

This was a strange day.


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