Hiring an organizer

My husband and I are seriously considering hiring this lady we know to help us organize our home better. We have a lot of people in a small home and it’s hard to get everything in an organized fashion. We clean don’t get me wrong but we need help getting more organized. Has anyone here ever done that? Or someone you know?

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When I was working in my mother’s accountimg office they had a lady who came cleaning every 1-2 weeks. Vaccum, cleaning tables, monitors, keyboards, the kitchen etc

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I just consider getting rid of things, the cost of storage, or cleaning and organizing. It’s often cheaper to throw things out. Maybe hang on to expensive items.


I wouldn’t like strangers in my house going through my stuff…but that’s just me.

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Our house is disorganized.
It’s also a bit dusty but clean otherwise.

I would like to hire back our cleaning crew but stopped using them because of Covid.

When it’s safe again I may hire someone to help around the house.

My father is getting very old and he’s more fragile now.

I have very little motivation.

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Not me, but know people who have, they liked it, sometimes we need others to say “do you really need this”
I’m in the clean up business really, one time I was doing a garage clean out at a ladies place, her friend was helping and said all he had is walking space in his house. he was in his late 60’s, I told him the day will come that if he don’t get it cleared out, he would be to old or medical issues and have to leave the home.
He took the warning seriously, cleaned out the whole house, sent stuff to kids, sold some, and donated as well as dump stuff, I picked up all the metal and a van, he said he had fun doing it


@Mountainman @Aziz @Wave @anon6551389 @anon39054230 This lady doesn’t clean. She just does a one time organizing deal. Like helping you figure out how to store things in such a way that the house looks like it’s ready to sell. We’ve already thrown out a ton of stuff. We’re just not good at organizing


Cleaning means organizing, cleaning the spot that need to be used comes with it

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I would do the cleaning part


She did it for my father in law. We did the cleaning part

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Look on Youtube for IKEA makeover or IKEA organization or IKEA hack. Will give you ideas for free. Use the $$$ for some IKEA stuff or comparable instead.

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Good idea @shutterbug . I’ll check it out

We’ve had to downsize twice in two years. Anything that I hadn’t used in more than two years that wasn’t being kept as some sort of heirloom was let go. That’s how we crashed a thrift store in our last town with electronics I had been hoarding. They didn’t know what to do with them all. It made me itch like crazy to get rid of it, but I haven’t missed it since. I enjoy having more space. If you’re not using it and not going to use it, get rid of it. If you can sell it, so much the better.

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We went though our garage and house a year ago and threw away a ton of stuff. But there are things we use everyday that aren’t put somewhere in an organized fashion because we simply have no where to put it. Like our lotion etc in the bathroom. We need have a very small bathroom and no space for our things. In the kitchen we have things we use every day like pots and pan and the blender but not enough cabinet space for it

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