Cleaning out the garage

We took everything in our garage out and threw a bunch of stuff away. Now we’re cleaning the floor. I had to go inside because my asthma kicked in. Maybe once it’s cleaned I’ll go back out and help put stuff back into the garage. Seriously though, it’s way too hot and muggy out for this.


I tried going back out and doing more for a bit but I’m wiped out. The teens we hired are taking it from here. That was a really big job


That must feel so good to have gotten rid of stuff! I have been clearing the house for Goodwill. I think I’ve become addicted to giving things away!


Always good a bit of spring cleaning. I don’t keep much stuff anymore as I like to be able to travel light. Not that I ever do but I got sick of lugging boxes of books and things around. Good for you for getting into it!

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@rogueone @anon39736208 It did feel good to clean it out. Our garage looks so much better now. The teen boys we hired to help us did a great job! I’m so glad that when my husband and I needed a break they could take over. Plus, the boys had an hour break hanging out with us in the air conditioning eating pizza.

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Sounds excellent! A garage can become a dumping ground for things, it’s good that you got it cleared out!

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