Hey so i finally won acceptance

I honestly still have halucinations but they seem to be disapating compounded with headaches (severe) every day.

And the reason why I didn’t go to the anti-psychiatry websites is because those people are seriously completely off their nut. ha. I just loooked at the websites and I was like wtf no!!! hah. I attribute my mental health success to bananas no joke— I force feed myself bananas and protein milkshakes and drink water all day like a race horse for the last 5 months. And I don’t use illict drugs or drink alcohol really cept for like a glass of wine like 2wice a week. I also take high concentration fish oil suppliments and b-complex suppliments. every day for the last 5 months.

Ice packs go str8 on my head every day. with no medium. ha.

Congratulation and welcome here

Have fun and enjoy posting anything you want :smile: