Hey! Nothing going on. Just "Hey" to all of you

I had a date with a VERY good looking women long ago, about my age. She was way out of my league so I guess that’s one victory for me. We were out driving around at night on one of our first dates and I looked to my left and a car with four a*shole teenagers in it was exactly parallel to mine and they were all laughing at me. I got pissed but what could I do? My date slouched down in the passenger seat and said, “How embarrassing”. They left and the date went on. An hour later she slept with me.
I think the entire forum gets my point.


Yes we all get your point of ‘I had sex with a hot lady’ :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m really glad you had a good time. You are inspirational in how out in the world you seem.


Actually I meant women are unpredictable as to who they choose and why.

And I had sex with a hot lady.
Did I mention I had sex with a hot lady?


Life is made of moments. Some are good. Some are bad. Some are in between.

As you get older you often forget most of them yet some shine out! Some things really are worth remembering!

Love your work @77nick77 ! As the great Charlie Sheen would say…that is winning!


Thanks once again @rogueone.


I’ve had this many times. You won anyway. Kids laugh at stupid things. Don’t let paranoia grapple your mind too much.

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I one with a more hotter girl.

I was in highschool and this girl was totally into me since the 5 grade but I did not look at her because she was to young.
Years got by and she got older and hotter and II had my psychotic break I knew I had to have sex before I end up in a hospital. So I message her and we met a couple of days then I invited her to my home and we watch 10 minutes of a movie and then have sex. She was very skilfull and all I did was sit like a zombie while my voices were messing with me.
We were together a week and thats all, she realized I was trouble.
My point is that I scored while being psychotic

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Hahaha it’s actually easier for me whilst psychotic. If I’m up. Unsure about you? :joy:

To say “hey.” My brother wants to take me out for pizza parlor pizza tomorrow evening. It’s a great thing in itself, but at the same time, pizza parlors can be places to get tipsy. My bro may have something in mind. I guess just play innocent until he suggests a pitcher of beer. Try not to be paranoid.


i’d have probably given them the finger lol, never happened to me but hopefully i will pull in my new car when i get it :slight_smile:

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