Hey folks - am anxious again

Man I hate this ■■■■. Same old anxiety finds a new thing to worry about everyday. You would have thought it would have grown tired by now

I get it too @anon94176359, just find something distracting to get your mind off of things.


Nothing gets tired with a mind my friend. Try not to overthink things. That is the key for my well doing.

Try to calm down and maybe listen to the radio for something different. Radio is calming if you find a radio station you like. I sleep every night listening to some pretty strange shite but it’s so calming!

Hang in there matey! Anxiety without pills is so much better for you!

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Have put on some ambient music. That helps.


My worries have become fairly normal these days since i went back on my meds. Not thinking about the universe and the like 24/7 like some pretentious kid lol.

Hope you feel better soon tho. The anxiety should pass in time.

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@anon94176359 I hope you can find a good way of lowering the anxiety. My anxiety still flares up from time to time, but has been better since moving. I think knowing there’s support near at hand,if needed, helps.

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