Here I go again on my own

going down the only road I’ve ever known… :notes: :guitar: :musical_note:

Good song. Voice sounds nothing like he looks, IMO.

Anyway, the point is, I think I’m completely back to the usual. I am here again waking up a few hours after I went to sleep, so the trazodone must be completely or mostly worn off.

You can all look forward to (or cringe at the thought of) seeing me at any and all random hours of the day and night again.

At least until I can find a different method for sleeping solid.

So, I will be around, and I will be watching you :eye: :eyes: :ghost: :scream:

cue the exit song…

:musical_note: Every move you make every , every breath you take…
:musical_note: I’ll be watching you…


It’s totally weird for most but increasing my instant coffee uptake has led to way better sleep outcomes…I don’t even get up much to pee anymore.

I’ve read coffee can stimulate the sleep in some folk but I’ve been back to sleeping 9 hours a day from 8…but not complaining. I sleep like a baby!

It’s hard work if you can’t sleep so feel for you matey.


I forgot that it was Whitesnake who sing that. That guy can sing. I appreciate a person who can really sing no auto tune needed


i sleep like a baby now too, my insomnia is gone


I like the white snake song.


Have you ever tried: lunesta, remeron, gabapentin, temazepam, ambien, low dose seroquel, low dose olanzapine?

I am just thinking of sleep med possibilities that I remember and looked up that I explored when I was having trouble sleeping (before I started olanzapine).

Personally I had good long term success with lunesta and then later with olanzapine.

Best wishes to you @Bowens

It’s no fun to not get good sleep. It really messes with me. I get symptoms when I don’t sleep well. :grimacing:


This video always talks to me,
I got to know one thing.
I feel its how much percentage I am exposed to this condition.
The best dose is it’s not too less or too high !
We have to visit pdoc to know where and when the changes to be done in meds.


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