Help me please, my life is very difficult

Help me please, my life is very difficult.
These hours, especially late in the evening and at night are horrible…

I used to be the same way at night I’d lose my mind and go crazy. Restless. And wanna kill myself. It’s tough

Help me please, please help me…

ring the crisis team

@bennroxy my strategy is to “ride out” the difficult times, and try to recover outside the psychiatric system.
So far I have mostly “ridden out” my schizophrenia, 5.5 years with the lion’s share of the time being unmedicated, and maybe in the long run, like 10-15 years from onset of schizophrenia, the outcome
may be positive.

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i just wondered if you just needed to destress, get something off your chest and release the “crackon” because sometimes these dark nights are the times when we are unable to distract ourselves from the consuming schiz. i do hope you can ride it out, but if you need an ear - we are here for you.

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@bennroxy yes, this forum is very good for me, in the most difficult moments it provides me support
that I can write here and share my difficult moments.
It helps me cope, that’s certain.
Thank you.

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I can’t imagine not taking medication, I’d be a wreck too.

You can’t make a horse drink.

nothing to say to you.


@Jonnybegood, I felt this way after I’d taken my. (old) antipsychotic at night. In the morning I was pretty ok.

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I got that way too. I imagine things. I would get anxiety. Once even saw purple streaks fall from the sky… I thought so dumb… I keep getting fears. Irrational. There’s no reason for any fears… But I’m going to stop thinking it’s a satanic thing. It doesn’t help can’t take on the world.

Can you do vigorous exercise when your feeling bad? I know it’s hard but this can help the mind calm down dramatically. I go to the gym and run on the treadmill for 30 minutes and then do some other exercises.

I wish that you are free of suffering, I know how it feels… You’re not alone.

You don’t take medication? I can’t imagine not taking mine…for an experiment i went one day without it an all but shut down. I don’t know how you manage…well i guess you don’t as you’re in crisis at the moment. Night is always worse for me too - you have nothing to distract you so you hear the voices more and can ruminate over things. Do you have anything you can do to distract yourself?

I think it might be good for you to see a psychiatrist and get psych meds. Meds can help you even if you can not sleep well. A good night sleep is very important. I wish you’ll be better.

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drink some water to get the caffeine out of your system, don’t worry, there is a better strategy against schizophrenia than for schizophrenia. a disease is by definition an error and errors can not beat something correct like you.

I am sorry to hear Chess, talk to friends, family, or a doctor for help. I hope you feel better.

Why is life difficult for you right now?

Because life is a journey

I f things are getting you down, would you try an antidepressant…it may help or else a stay in a psych hospital…

I hope things improve for you

Life is a highway

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