Help me please 3

I can’t cope anymore.
I suffer from terrible intrusive thoughts.


Are you still taking your medication as prescribed?

Sorry you are unwell erez. We are here for you.

Have you read about SSRIs for intrusive thoughts?

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@JH85 help me please, I don’t see a psychiatrist regularly.
Come to Israel and help me.
I take medication but I didn’t see a psychiatrist for a very long time.

What helps me is to know that those thoughts do not reflect who I am or what I even want to be thinking.

If it were up to me, I would be thinking about art or something, so just knowing that intrusive thoughts are against my will helps me cope with the content of the thoughts. Is it the content that stresses you out or the mere existence of unwanted thoughts or both?

Hopefully, there will be a pill in the future that can block out intrusive thought experiences…is there anything that can distract you? Best wishes!


Have you started therapy like CBT, for your intrusive thoughts as medication is only part of a treatment options not the whole treatment plan!

  • I’m crazy Israel would never let me in :wink:

Have you ever tried mindfulness meditation, it’s my go to when the voices get really bad, with that and labelling even at my worst I can go a few hrs voices free!

I think SSRIs could possibly be helpful for you

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Just remember thoughts are just thoughts. Dial back the magnitude that you allow them to have let them drift where they please.


Like other members have already mentioned, is there anything you can do that distracts you?

Like videogames, puzzles, drawing ?

You were reading for a little while weren’t you?

Maybe try reading just a page of a cool book :thinking: hmmmm.

Feel better soon, friend. :v:

@Montezuma I think that for people who struggle with cognition a newspaper may be better than a book.
You read an article, and you’re done!
With a book you have to read an entire book :expressionless:


Yeah that makes sense. I’m sorry, I forgot you struggle with cognition too.

Take care :hugs:


Perhaps you could use a text to speech program or try audio books if you have problems reading?

It will also drown out the sound of the voices :wink:


Erez hang in there u will get well soon…i cant sleep man…

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U come to nepal tto help me my friend …

@far_cry0 I often can’t cope myself.
I plan to try sarcosine, and see how it goes.

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Good idea…many people in this forum have tried it sucessfully…u order from brain vitamins…