i am new to this forum
i am diagnosed with the hebephrenic schizophrenia diagnosis
since the age of 15
some here knows me as "zolly darko "
an artist and iq test designer, also writer
i do not make good money on my work but im hoping to do
my first diagnosis when i came into the psychiatry was asperger syndrome with
“unspecified psychotic related.” but they changed it to schizophrenia
i am currently taking clozapine 600mg a day and i work twice a week in a place
for people with disabilities
its over 5 years since i last was hospitalised
and i have been hospitalised many times
i was also sent to a criminal hospital because i was too crazy for the regular one
i was 5 years and 3 months in the criminal hospital which was a horrible place
(from january 2012 to mars 2017)
i always quitted my meds so i had alot of elapses and hospital turns
now i am taking the medication and is in OK shape
Welcome to the forum @zolly !
Welcome @zolly
If you find yourself in need of help, just tag a moderator. Type the @ symbol, then our names
@anon4362788 , @Ninjastar , @Moonbeam, @rogueone, and @Bowens
Enjoy your stay with us!
Welcome to the forum. I like your picture.
its from the beluga cat videos you can find on facebook xD
hi nice to meet you @zolly !!!
you have been in hospital a lot
but it sounds like you are doing much better now 5 yrs outta hospital and working with disabled people is good going x
I also have hebephrenic symptoms.
Silly symptoms.
Could you describe yours?
for now my behavior may be childish and inappropriate
and my thoughts may be disorganized or i have trouble focusing and noticing things
is like im stuck in my head
But when i was in bad shape my behavior were very crazy with alot of impulsive behaviors
also delusions, especially paranoid. some visual hallucinations and i thought the radio
was talking about me , my reality went quite twisted.
but im not psychotic anymore. and in ways i like to be energic and childish
When i have my silly episodes,
I shout, speak gibberish, make silly grimaces and gestures, purposeless movements like wearing on and off my clothes,
psychomotor agitation, disorganized thoughts etc.
welcome to the forum =)
Welcome to the forum!!
Welcome! Hope you like it here
Hello Zolly! Welcome aboard!
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