Having dead tree removed...power outage ensues

The storm blew over our dead pine tree in the back yard last night…it is leaning on other trees…the power company is turning off our power tomorrow while they remove the tree…bummed…


Sorry, jukebox,

Hopefully it won’t be out too long.

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Mate we just had two days, a tuesday and a thursday where they cut our power for some infrastructure works. I actually found it a good day. No distractions from the tv or the net and ended up having a productive day. You might surprise yourself as did I!

I’m only worried about our refrigerated food going bad…milk, creamer, eggs, frozen pizza that kind of thing.

We have a lot of non-indigenous Mahogany trees where I live that fall over when it gets windy. They often take out power lines.

If you have an Esky (not sure what they are called in America), you can get some ice and keep your perishables cool for a day.

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we had a cooler but it was in poor condition so we threw it away…I guess they won’t be too long taking down the tree so maybe I don’t have to worry as long as I don’t open the refrigerator. thanks though @Pat6398

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Over here you can claim if your power is out too long. Simple things like don’t open your fridge etc is good. Most fridges last a lot longer than you think if your not opening them. I’m sure there is a process if your food spoils. It’s the modern world and they are probably insured!

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thanks buddy…I only have food in there for this week’s food so we should be o k if the worst case scenario happens…keeping my fingers crossed…the only thing is the guy doing the tree removal is about seventy five years old and I am worried that he won’t have enough help to be speedy about the removal…at least I rent and don’t have to pay for any of it !!

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