Haven't been laid in ten years

I’m 34. It sucks. Women really don’t like me.

What makes you say women don’t like you?
For the record I am 34 too and have been celibate for several years but I don’t despair. Every box has its lid as the saying goes. You can always find girls who like you for who you are.

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I was talking to this girl in my room a few years ago. She suddenly said, "I don’t want to talk, I just want to f*ck. I didn’t oblige her, though. She was huge. She moved away, but I might take her up on it if she said that to me again.


I’m 28. I’m a virgin. It used to bother me. But now I’ve have accepted it and I am happy.

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If you want to stop having sex, get married. I haven’t had sex since Mr Clean had hair! :wink:


“Women don’t like me” is a bad self-talk. There are billions of women. Do you think there won’t be a single woman that will like you?

What I can say about attraction is that when I’m confident, expressing myself clearly and being honest with women, I become more attractive. But there are women that won’t like me even if I’m being the most confident person in the world and it’s okay.

Maybe a relationship or dating expert here in the forum can help you.

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Women likes money , super attractive personality and fitness

I got laid a couple of times with no money, living with parents and when I was 93kg (205 pounds). It’s a generalization.


So you got lucky

Yeah… lucky…

Man, I had to at least get out of my comfort zone and approach the woman.


Yeah approaching women is taugh … find places where is safe to approach them .like some activity groups or yoga classess

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I was approaching many girls before , but us I get really sick I became paranoid to approach them … when I was younger it was easier

That’s a bit generalizing, don’t you think?

I’m a woman. I don’t care about money. In fact, I think having too much money spoils a person and makes then oblivious to the hardships in life.
Sure, a nice personality is good, but they don’t have to be overconfident.
And I shy away from guys who are too into fitness, they just seem vain.

Saying all women are like you said, is like saying all men want women with plastic tits and botoxed faces.
It might be true for some, but not all.

Everyone has something that attracts them and something that doesn’t, it varies from person to person.


Nobody wants to be with you if you dong have money or errant fun…

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Most girls I dated I met in clubs, bars, Tinder and Happn. But when I was younger, I dated some girls I met in language classes and school.


I don’t know anyone who has turned someone down for not having money.

Sure, if someone claims to have no money, but it turns out they just manage their money wrong (like spending it on stupid shite instead of bills), they might be seen as unfit to be in a relationship with by some people.

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As you grow older and not be dependent on your parents you will know

Lol. It remembers me a story of a homeless guy who had sex with women who helped him.

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I would go with you to a bar to pick up girls if you were living in my country :laughing: lol

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Lol. I don’t know if we would pick up girls for sure, but we could have some fun while tasting some craft beers :smile:.