Haven't been laid in ten years

I’m 28 and I live on my own.
I’d say I’m old and independent enough?

Please don’t talk down to me. And please, please don’t be stubborn about this.

I don’t know what women are like in your country, but I’ve never met nor talked to any women who’ve liked guys solely for their money, and I haven’t met anyone who’ve turned down a guy simply because he had no money either.

But like I said, if a guy spends his money wrong, it might be offputting for some.

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Sorry , women attracted to guys who has money

Like man attracted to hot girls

Certain women don’t like me either. Big Nick doesn’t care but little nick is sorely disappointed.

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Maybe women aren’t attracted to you because you assume they only want money…

Maybe I am just not attracted to you sorry

I read somewhere that women find sexy men who know how to manage money, even if they don’t have a lot of it.

Okay everyone, chill out for a minute. I swear, the next person who generalizes about an entire segment of the population is getting suspended on grounds of I don’t feel like listening to your garbage beliefs anymore.