Might do ok now, been a long time since I dated though, but before I always failed in relationships, after about 2 months most of the women gave me this look
How do you fair in Love?
Might do ok now, been a long time since I dated though, but before I always failed in relationships, after about 2 months most of the women gave me this look
How do you fair in Love?
Had some casual relationships with females but not so lucky in the love department.
Even went through a failed marriage that lasted 7 years.
My longest relationship was 2 years.
I have indeed failed in the love department.
I do pretty good. I’ve had a couple relationships lasting more than 10 years each and I love both of them still even though we aren’t sexually together anymore. I consider that pretty good. I don’t know if there is anyone in my future though. I think I’ll be alone until I die now and that’s ok, I’m good with that.
I was content to be a voyeur.
Failed in pretty much everything other than having my kids.
I would consider myself a failure in love. I’ve had one long term relationship, and it wasn’t satisfying. My hopes for that grow dimmer and dimmer.
Never have been interested, never had a date.
I have failed a lot, and succeeded some, but mostly failures, and im not done failing, i hope.
I was with my gf for 5-6 years. She left me bcz I couldn’t work. She said my life became boring for her. She went back with her ex who makes good money.
I’m thinking I may end up gay. I just feel like men are different to women and it scares me not to be able to understand men
I’d say I have done okay… lots of horrible relationships… one of my relationships before marriage lasted 2.5 years… now I’ve been with my husband 3 years and 4 months.
I’ve only been in one awful relationship
Sucky at love. I’m an atrocious partner at best. Reason why bachelorhood might be in the cards.
The only love I’ve ever experienced is with my cat. And she dumped me after two months for being emotionally distant.
Yes repeatedly … same over and over
Men are easy to figure out, there’s only one thing on our mind: peach cobbler for Sunday breakfast.
I am completely inept. I don’t want to even try to explain.
Yeah but once I succeeded at it for a while. That was a good time and worth the effort. These days it doesn’t really worry me but it’s one of those things. You want to do it at least once in your life.
Once I was infatuated with someone and he didn’t like me as much. But I got over it eventually. Most times it doesn’t work out, I’m grateful for, because it was a mistake.