I’ve done that a couple of times. One time I was puking hard and I also had the runs. The results were predictable.
I’m not a troll just because I have childish humor. Anyway, ban me from the forum if you want… if you think I’m a troll.
Most embarrassing experience. Foot specialist is cutting my toenails . I get a sudden griping pain and sht myself . Have to make a dash to the toilet s******g myself more as I do.
How old are you if I may ask?
Ok thanks @anon39054230
I’m getting the picture
So what’s wrong with making a dumb poll? I didn’t offend anybody. Mods could just have deleted it and I would got the message anyway.
You can do kegel exercises and it helps with fecal incontinence.
I have a mild problem with incontinence but doing kegel exercises improves it substantially.
@firemonkey actually I recently cut my toenails (as well as fingernails) independently for the first time in my life.
So I am indeed making some progress.
I have my toenails done as I’ve always struggled to cut them . They are quite thick. An age related thing apparently.
@firemonkey you should know that if your problem with cutting your toenails pertains to weak muscles
( weak hands, weak forearms etc) something can be done about that. You can buy a gripper for the hands and dumbbells for the forearms and then it will be easier for you to cut your toenails independently.
I have experience with that because even though I am young, my muscles have been weak since childhood and I have only recently started trying to train them.
He’s not a troll, last week I thought another user was a troll as he asked tons of repetetive questions. I guess it was my paranoia. Mods told me its their style of writing and that they’re not a troll. I said ok. You can also put the person on mute if you dont like their posts.
I’m going to keep bumping this thread for months then. That way, any newcomer to the forum can see the level of discourse around here and decide if they want to stay or leave.
Yesterday almost shitted myself from too much vomitting, 7 times. My stomach was empty at the end but I was still vomiting air. My mother said its bcz I slept with the window fully open and it was 2C outside. Also wokeup with a headache. Cold is bad.
@anon39054230 , this forum is supposed to be a safe haven for people who are disabled, have severe problems
and are not super competitive.
If you have problems with such people you have countless forums that cater to regular people.
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With some of these threads/polls, I have a hard time knowing if someone is trolling or is being serious.
Maybe this person is being serious?
He could just have an immature sense of humor.
I don’t know, but I kind of thought that it was relevant enough where I responded.
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