Have you ever shat yourself? POLL

Once. I used to have an eating disorder where I took laxatives on a daily basis. One day I was driving my car and had to stop at the traffic lights. I couldn’t hold on any longer and i just had to go.
Diarreha ran all down my legs but thankfully was caught in my stockings and didn’t end up on my car seat or car floor. I was on my way to work.

A few times, It’s embarrassing really.

Never trust a fart.
That’s all I’ll say.

I almost ■■■■ myself when I was giving birth.

I almost shat my pants, yesterday I think it was. I thought it was a fart but there was sh!t coming out. Luckily no sh!t in my boxer shorts. Close call!

when i was a kid my nervousness always got to my bowels… so i shat myself all the time cause of stress… now that i’m older it doesn’t happen anymore though…

Bad chicken… :joy:🥸 15151

Just a.few times, but might get worse when older.

@magz is a Troll.

Why are the Mods putting up with these Polls by this poster?

I’ve came close a few times but no I haven’t

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Oh yes, but not intentionally. A bad tummy flu does not go well with diverticular disease.

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Show me another trollish poll from this user @anon39054230

I couldn’t find anything

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Yup! The most embarrassing was as a teen when I was puking at the kitchen sink, in front of my mom, and well some muscles just don’t work when you need them to.

My sister still reminds me of it.


I wet the bed till I was 17 stopped then I was on risperidone and would wet my bed if I drank like every time I drank. But out of spite I drank everyday and would piss myself a lot I had too buy like 3 mattresses in 5 years! I still pee my bed once in a while and I don’t know why I do but it’s very very rare! One time I sh@t myself honestly I’ll admit it like maybe 7 years ago I was also on risperidone i frickin hate that med! So what happened was I sh@t myself and then I was near goodwill so I went in there and bought pants threw away my underwear and wore the jeans without underwear! Ha ha! This is a gross thread idea though like wtf get your minds out of the gutter but yea risperidone is a dumb med and I have not had issues since! :joy:

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I drank a bunch of energy drinks that day energy drinks are so bad they totally screw up your insides!

I took a bunch of fiber gummies that day too I just remembered becuase that has never been an issue for me! Fiber gummies worked one time I lost like 30 pounds but now it doesn’t work anymore! I stopped after that! But I had a bunch of rockstars too and still can not stand risperidone!


This @magz is a Troll. Here’s another example…


Uh I’m not a troll. I’m confused.

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A couple of times when I was on Orlistat, the demon drug from hell. It stops your intestines from absorbing a portion of the oil/fat that you eat to help you slim down. Never trust a fart on Orlistat.

It is so bad that most people stop eating fatty foods just to avoid the side effects, making the drug work in a roundabout way.

Plenty of times on a high dose of effexor. I got bad ibs from it and if I had to poop I had to poop and didn’t have much time. I lived liked that for years till recently cutting down to half the dose. It was a good med change that one.