End up having the same delusion at a later time, like months or years later?
No, but I’ve had the same delusions for years and years.
Yes, I have , it is kind of disheartening. But we are all so resilient here. Do the same to it you did before. A change of scenery helps. You have got the number of this one so give it a good sock.
I’m just worried that if what I believe is real turns out to not be real after my new med dose I’m starting tonight that I’ll finally be free only to have a problem later and have it all come back to me.
My delusions tend to evolve over time so no I’ve never had this experience. Maybe it will happen again. I hope not though
I’m sorry dear. What nw meds does have you on? I can scroll o guess
Don’t worry @LilyoftheValley- not good for you. Sometimes I say K sura- sura. Kind a dumb but OK with me.
I’m starting 100mg of loxapine tomorrow. My dr says based on how I’m doing she think this is going to be a game changer for me.
I so hope so. For you.
Yea, I can relate for the past 8 years. It’s stronger than ever. I hope you get the help you need
Almost every other day when I’m smoking outside I realize the voices are ■■■■■■■■, but every once in a while they flare up and I’m back to thinking I’m being watched.
Some of my delusions morphe and change over time, some stop completely and haven’t returned yet others stay for years and remain the same.
Same delusions with some variants
why don’t the delusions just go. we don’t want them don’t entertain them. have figured it out. but still they are so annoying and sick! yah ever get caught by the one saying you are not sick?
I think it’s all real. But there are things that are not real since I started APs. I don’t work for the government. I don’t solve puzzles for them. But the men who follow me are real. That means I don’t believe I’m sick anymore because I no longer believe I work for the government. But the men are still following me
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