Have you been in a book club?
No i have not by the way who is the little blue guy in your profile picture?
No I have not @Zigz103 Are you thinking about joining one? Have you ever tried one?
But I adore books and literature. I took upper level literature courses in college before I had to drop out due to sz. I have often thought about joining a book club but I get nervous and paranoid.
no, I love the thought and idea of reading books but I can never concentrate long enough. never
I will go in the end of month to try. In local library
Not since I was a young teen, so this is decades ago.
But I do still have a funny story about a book club I never joined.
When we finally found an awesome house in California,
The neighborhood was very nice as were most our neighbors.
There were exceptions.
One was a lady that walked by my house everyday.
I was out with my dogs and she decided to say Hi.
We exchanged pleasantries for a second then she asked if I would join her book club.
I politely declined.
She kind of pressed me and said they needed a new member.
(The move to California was super stressful and we had just spent 3 months in an Airbnb.
Plus I had an entire house to unpack, plus she told me what books they read and it sounded horrible.)
I said I appreciated it and that I’d let her know if I changed my mind.
She lost it.
She told me she was moving from the neighborhood and that she needed someone to replace her.
That I owed it to the neighborhood to uphold this long standing book club.
Trying to be decent, I repeated that I would let her know if I changed my mind.
She continued on to ask “Do you even work?”.
That was about all I could take.
I didn’t want to have to tit punch a woman in her 50s, but it was bound to happen if I didn’t get away from her.
She kept talking,
But I said I had to get my dogs inside and turned to get in the house.
As she was still talking, almost shouting, I went in the house.
After that she left “cards” in my mailbox.
Reminding me of various neighborhood rules.
Brush had to be a certain height,
Such and such plants had to be cleared to prevent the spread of fire,
Blah, blah, blah.
I ignored them all.
Eventually she did move,
But the hateful letters continued from other members for a little over a year.
And I’m the crazy person.
People are unbelievable.
@Zigz103 let us know how it goes and what it’s like and if you like it!
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