Wish me luck. I hope they listen to me this time. I want a med change and if they don’t do it I’m asking them to take me off them and if they refuse I’ll tell them I’ll do it without their consent.
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Why, whats the issue with your meds youre taking currently?
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Good luck. Don’t let them push you around!
Wut? What happened? I thought that
- You felt symptom free
- You could tolerate abilify
- Had a new job you liked
- Had goals/ambitions for the future.
Why do you want to switch to something else?!
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Yeah I have the same questions as @everhopeful, if you’re good why mess with it?
I’ve been on these long enough I don’t want TD.
Good luck. I am still detoxing from Abilify. I was jerking & jeering all night in bed last night. It felt good, but it shouldn’t be plausible. I miss days where I wasn’t having Parkinson’s-like motions in my head & neck when trying to fall asleep. I suffer from akathisia, definitely med-induced.
Abilify is one of the safer meds out there.
You dont know what could happen if you switch meds - its a big gamble @anon80629714