Do if you can underdtand this message where i go in depth of this weird place I’m in. Stuck by a simulation and weird numbers appear as if im being told codes of the world world in this world we live in a happy place but reality is we suffer everyday because eveeyone think im ok but they fuggin forget I’m not ok I’m slowly losing my temper i cant bear the horrors of my mind how deep they dwell into an abyss of the black void. I forget who Im and realize im just a compute r program being zapped by aliens or some sort of game master ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok I’m a freak I’m a free a.k. I look luke a sad little clown so many scars ok so sorry dont read this
Why does no one like me im a freak always a freak ok lost in this world as a freak only a frrak ahahhrhehehhee
I like you. You seem original and cool.
Negative symptoms can make it difficult. They make it difficult to emotionally connect with others.
They can also make it appear that you don’t care about others or that you’re unfriendly.
@anon28145038 my man thank you broski. It just seems like I been interrupted by zaps sorry i don’t mean to trigger you. So I’ll leave at this. Thank you@
@everhopeful you always been my number one commenter I appreciate that you care it means a lot. I hope one day in whatever you believe to be a higher power or just simply cosmic influence. I hope it blesses you ok. Thank you si
I used to be very social and outgoing before sz. Complete personality change.
I don’t care if people think I’m a freak or not. I have a nice car and I go where I want. If someone gives me a funny look, I either glare, stare, or laugh. 5 seconds later I’m gone and they’re gone and nothing has changed except maybe the song on my Beatles CD.
One thing I know, I may feel different and I feel everybody is normal but me, but some days I look a little harder at people in cars or walking down the street and thev average person is usually pretty strange looking. There’s a lot of weird people out there and it helps me relax. I find it’s a big help for me if I dress nice and keep well groomed. It just makes things easier and not stand out for the wrong reasons.
As Connor McGregor once said, “If people out in public don’t like me, I don’t care; they can kiss my big Irish balls.”
LOL thank you Nick. 777 thank you very much.
It feels like the original died or has gotten lost in thought.
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