Has anyones art or creativity been affected by schizophrenia?

I feel like it has drastically made me unable to create my own art as i. Cannot think clearly to get my own ideas


I feel like my creativity has actually peaked after developed Schizophrenia

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I was unable to do anything at first, but it came back with effort. The only thing stopping me right now is the friggin’ weather.

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My creativity has drastically been impaired after developing my disorder ( on meds)
Off meds (not planning to quit ) I’m a manic creative genius

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Yes. I used to be a musician but I can’t be creative at all anymore. I just don’t try anymore.


Yeah. I used to draw. :wolf::wolf::wolf:

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I used to be a music producer but I dont have the motivation anymore

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I started painting my delusions…it was a great source of objects for painting…use your illusion.

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I am much more creative and have a very lively inner life

When I was psychotic, I had pictures in my head all the time and I just drew and painted them. When I got on correct medication, the pictures stopped and I lost my creativity. It took me years to re invent my artistic process and get to where my art is today. Now I get easily inspired and creating art is fairly easy to me. Sure I get art blocks every now and then. But there was pretty much no art by me 2007-2010 as I was searching my creative progress and learning to do art from the scratch.

This is my latest painting. My watercolour technique has evolved and improved and my art has matured a lot. For me art is the most important coping mechanism and without the ability to draw and paint, I would die.


It affects all areas of your brain Becouse you are dependent on medicine your mind doesn’t function properly. But you can be good at art . You just had to like doing it. And not be dependent on results. Brain is neuroplastic it means any activity you participate it changes

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Your work is absolutely amazing. I can still draw and do art but it is like i dont have my own ideas anymore because i have no thoughts going on in my head. I feel like nothing i do is original anymore due to this. Its really ■■■■ tbh. Do you struggle with this too?. How do you think of your original ideas?

You can draw anyways without an original idea , just see what comes out and be happy

The medication is very tiring and a lot of ideas get lost cause I don’t live in the flow.

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I never had creativity as a kid, so I can’t speak on if it’s diminished since my onset. I feel like my onset has eliminated my drive to do anything creative.

It comes and goes for me. I started playing guitar when I was a teenager. Since I got sz I go through periods where I don’t play for months at a time. Sometimes you have to force yourself to keep going back to it to get in a habit then you can get back into it.

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The most creative thing I can do now is attempt a Jazz drum solo. I’ve tried before and cannot keep the song form in my head for some reason. I think schizophrenia does distract me from concentrating. But actually medication is helping me. I used to think medication made things even worse. But I’m realizing medication is helping me concentrate and form my own ideas. And concentrate on the song form better. There’s one song I’m working on from time to time. But I still Lose the song form and get lost at what I am doing. But with practice I am getting a little better with my concentration.

Thank you very much!
I get ideas… I get very inspired by pretty much everything I see and hear, getting inspired comes easy to me…

But I get it is frustrating to struggle with inspiration. I get art blocks too and I feel I have no ideas and it sucks. I wish there was something that helps in those situations. I just try to improve my technique, I need to learn to draw better. Drawing is a skill that can be learned. Inspiration and getting ideas for art is more difficult.

I’m less creative now. I also am less social.

I feel like I improved in math to some degree, but I think it’s probably an illusion. My working memory is lower as well as my logical thinking.

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