Some people say that schizophrenia took their creativity and some people say the medicine killed their creativity. I say schizophrenia made me creative even off the meds. What do you think?
I can say that it made me even more creative… after psychosis I truly got some new ideas. Idk why
Ya, I can say that. I’m more in ‘left field’ and go on tangents a lot now.
I had no faith and limited empathy before. I believe in God now…
I don’t draw, but I did art classes in group therapy. It was hard and I became more social and less introverted.
I always valued rational and critical thinking. I taught myself Sudoku which is analytical.
I became a much better and nicer person because of schizophrenia. I’m way more patient now and empathetic and kinder and nicer.
There’s a point where I think ‘too much creativity’ is a bad thing. Like anything in life, I suppose.
I used to draw and color growing up as a kid. I loved it. I was good, but not great.
I lost a lot of functioning, suffered over the years, and lost my intelligence or lost about 10 IQ points. Felt like dementia to be honest…
I’m so creative I created all world
I think math and science can be creative. You know like those creative geniuses…
Steve Jobs was a creative Genius and mover and shaker. He was a business and marketing Genius…didn’t do hard core coding though…didn’t need to. He’s a 1 in a billion success.
I really can’t say because I don’t know the alternative life if I never had gotten psychosis.
I’d like to think I’m more creative this way because creativity is important
I suffer from creative or delusional thinking ie thought disorder. I live and breathed it, I guess.
I started getting into time travel stuff. Stuff that is either not real or impossible or sci-fi. In my opinion, things can be creative. The best students and puzzle solvers tend to be creative I think.
I never had thoughts about time travel until I got sick from Salvia and Pot lol. I started thinking or believing in God or a higher power even.
I even have alien delusions too…starting to get better and gain insight and realize it’s something else entirely…
It doesn’t help that I read, watch, and research this stuff to my own sickness and detriment.
I’m into string theory and quantum mechanics now, but don’t know the stuff. I like listening and reading about it and hearing about parallel universes and the impossible and different dimensions.
Schizophrenia turned my creativity on its head, and then made the fiction part of it very real. I would say overall, though, that it severely limited my capacity to create things.
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