Does Sz. Influence Your Art?

Hey, everybody, I actually drew something last night… unfortunately it was heavily influenced by my experiences in the local hospital a couple of weeks ago.
It seems all of my creativity nowadays is tinged with mental illness…I hope y’all like this picture. It’s me in the seclusion room listening to my voices…


Love it.:slight_smile:

Oh, that’s really nice! I also do art based on my SZA.

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Very nice. Sometimes my art is influenced by MI, sometimes it is not.

Awesome and powerful art. I feel your pain.

That is an amazing drawing @WhiteRaven

My sza influences my art in the way that my negative symptoms make me not want to write music anymore. I haven’t written anything in a year now. I produced my last album a year ago.


Loving it … u look like cool artist man… Take care…!!

Very strong drawing! I like it.

And for me, my sz does influence my art a lot.

Sometimes for me painting or sketching the delusions makes them seem a little less strong.

However not everything I draw or write is based on my sz.


It used to in many ways but nowadays my art is not influenced by my sz. Most of my recent poems I wrote in the last five years are though. I seem to write better when I’m sick but paint better when I’m well.

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I feel that it does. My music has always had “psychedelic” lyrics and imagery but was never influenced by drugs. I believe that’s because I’ve always had a different perspective on life than my peers. It’s good to know that there are other artists on here, as well.

That’s a great drawing! I love the story it tells.

Thank you everybody for your encouragement! It gives me the desire to try drawing more often.


Very Cool. Nice Textures. My art is always more of an Aspiring Thing and based in patterns and geometric/ tribal abstracts with Graffiti mixed in. Would enjoy seeing more of yours.

My art gets influenced by my sza a lot I draw a lot of the things I see or occasionally a suggestion from a voice. Lately I haven’t been feeling super inspired though :confused:

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