Has anyone tried RL-007

It’s a new drug being developed for cognitive impairment. Wondering if anyone has tried it and if it would possibly be beneficial for bipolar as well. Thank you!


I haven’t tried it. But it really sounds exciting.

Not a good name for a drug schizos will take might make them think they are the real 007


RL -007 means Real Life - 007, made for disaster.,

I just checked it on clinical trials. It just completed a phase 2 trial a d no more trials are.planned. prolly a while until it gets approved.

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I have an R2D2 mini my daughter gifted me, but that’s it.

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When it’s running under a experimental name I don’t think it’s available to the public yet. I once asked my doctor about a experimental drug and she had no idea what I was talking about.

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Yeah ivw mentioned ulotaront to my psych b4 and she had no.idea what i was talking about.