My pdoc called me the other day and threw me his sales pitch for a research study on a medication. I haven’t been told what the medication is yet but I have been told it’s in phase III and that it supposedly helps with negative symptoms. I asked for a meeting about it to go into more detail. I’ll keep you all updated!
Good. Please let us know.
yeah nice, keep us up to date
Im guessing its ulotaront or karlxt. Let us know how it goes
Please consider posting a patient review on the drug you’re going to take would love to hear about it especially if it’s Ulotaront
Please give us a review. I already have experienced negatives from medicines that haven’t worked so would greatly appreciate it.
Yeah we finally got someone on the inside of this medication. Maybe we will finally find out if the medication is any good or not
Alright everyone. My intake orientation is next Thursday at noon EST. I will be finding out which medication it is and all inside information about what’s been gathered of it so far!
Let us know how this goes. We’ll see, but I have high hopes for this stuff. Good luck
Good to hear you’ll be letting us know!
We got someone on the inside now. This is so exciting lol. Some progress will be happening.
Its nice to have someone on the inside. But ideally id like to hear someones experience from the medication who isnt medicated. Isnt experiencibg any negative or cognitive synptoms. Then seeing how the drug affects them. After tsking the drug does it cause negative symptoms and cognitice decline and does it get rid of psychosis. Although this is better then nothing so still really good.
Well I do have negative and cognitive symptoms but this med has been shown to improve negative symptoms from what I’ve heard so far. I also have positive symptoms still but it isn’t what they’re going for FDA approval for currently. I’ll report any benefits I have from it if I end up agreeing to this trial
Have you decided to take on the clinical trial? Do you know which one it will be for? Ulotaront or KARxt?
I’m not much into modern meds and I will be quite surprised if the drug companies would invent a meds that really touch negatives during the next decades because I was promised meds that would affect the negatives symptoms positively two decades ago but that was all broken promises from the big drug companies.
2 decades ago what drugs were they saying would tackle negative symptoms?
All the new atypical antipsychotics like risperdone and zyprexa and Seroquel was said to affect the negative symptoms positively but the Cathie study showed that these meds didn’t work better for symptom control that the old conventional antipsychotic Pherefenazine (Trillafone) and that they caused massively weight gain. So when a phd suggested me to recieve the Risperdone Consta shot in 2003 I answered him no I don’t want to give Up my Clopixol depo injection because that it worked much better for psychosis and didn’t cause massive weight gain.
Wow so youve been on meds for like 20 years thats long. Ive just been on meds for a year and its been hell. I hate living with the cognitive decline and negative symptoms. It feels like all the zest of life is gone. I miss the days before i got put on antipsychotics. Im really hoping these new antipsychotics are better because i dont want to live feeling the way i feel on these meds. Hopefully we can get an update soon if ulotaront and karxt are any good. Im hoping it will be good since its a different mechanism of action.
I really hope that those new compounds will have a real impact on the negative and cognitive symptoms for all you young sufferers. Science has learnt a lot since I was young and who knows maybe they got that little magic pill that works like magic.
But for me it’s to late to hope for magic I’ve crossed the 50 years line and used the old meds for 28 years so I don’t think that the new meds will make any difference to me. Keep on the high hopes youngsters and never give up to hope for better days.
Lol thanks. Ive been dealing with psychosis for 7 years now. I basically take pills for a month or 2 then dont have psychosis. Then live as long as i can until get forced to take meds again. Last time i was on a community treatment order i was being forced to take meds for a year. Now i finally stopped. I dont have negatives or cofnitive decline on when im off antipsychotics only when im on. I honestly feel i can better function off meds and with psychosis then i can on meds and no psychosis. When im in psychosis i also have my cognitive abilities back and i have lots of energy and motivation. Ideally we should be looking for a medicarion thats gets rid of psychosis but dosnt cause negative decline. Im hoping ulotaront or karxt are the solutions to that. I wish it was out already. I dont know why it has to take 10+ years of testing a medication.