Has anyone ever figured out how to loose weight

I literally take 4 mg of resperidone and i went down to 288 pounds and i couldnt stand the symptoms starting so i added 2mg totalling 6. Now im 294 two days later. Like literally 2mg difference and im balooning. I dont know what to do anymore. I just wanna be thin again. How do you loose weight. I cant not take meds anymore. This obesity is ruining my health and dating life, and my sense of wellbeing. I cant live with myself anymore.

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I feel you. I’ve been on invega since 2008. I hover around 250. Every med added caused me to gain more weight. I set up an appointment with my doctor a couple days ago and am gonna ask about changing antipsychotics. I did go from 247 to 219. I did weight watchers with my mom and played a daily game of disc golf with a friend. So it is possible to lose though I’m back around 250. I have three friends and my brother who lost weight. One after switching to an older ap and my brother and two friend quitting meds altogether. My brother has anosognosia so just doesn’t take them and suffers, but I don’t know how the other two do it. I’ve gotten off meds and can’t handle it. I’m gonna talk to my doctor about typical antipsychotics. Perphenazine has been suggested on this forum as an idea. I’m talking to my doctor soon.

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Maybe try eating one meal a day? Idk i find it impossible to lose weight on these meds…they affect the way we deposit lipids try weighing yourself again in the next few days i went up 5 pounds and then a few days later i was back to 240 but i cant seem to go lower than 240 pounds

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I find using the weight loss calculator at calculator.net and just eating the suggested calories causes me to lose weight.

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Some general advice would be to lift weights so you put on muscle which will increase your metabolism. Eat foods high in fiber that will fill you up without too many calories. Split your daily intake into more meals which will also increase your metabolism. Keep a food diary and weigh what you eat. Drink more water.

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I lose weight and gain shape by walking everyday 1 hour with out missing it.


I don’t there’s any big secret to losing weight. Same formula it has been forever. Diet and exercise. The only issue is that meds make it harder. Sz and lack of motivation also contribute. So many of us are in a difficult place when it comes to losing weight. The formula, nonetheless, remains the same.


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