Has anybody thought that microwaves can be communicated to mind

I had this problem years ago. I thought that I was on the same frequency as cell phones and other microwave devices and that I was able to receive communications directly to my mind. Well, I went over that phase.

One time I was awake at about 3:00 a.m., and I heard this really loud, wild Indian war cry. It rose and fell in volume and changed in inflection - nothing like a coyote. It didn’t wake anyone else up, so I know it had to be an hallucination. And yet, I still cling to the idea that maybe somebody, somehow, beamed a sound specifically at me that no one else could hear. I guess that’s even more bizzare to think than an hallucination.

I’ve debated putting my head in the microwave in the past out of agony… Lol

Not sure how it works.

But the mind/brain can obviously be spoken with, anyone’s brain/mind.

Moved to Unusual Beliefs.

(Wearing moderator hat)