im supposed to still be in trouble today, my punishment ends on tuesday, i am banished to my house all alone all day, yesterday was a terribly long day, being by myself. but anyhow mom is swimming and grocery shopping this morning, so i will go visit with dad some more, it’s nice to be able to talk to someone.
well she just got back, she said “what are you doing here? you’re still in the doghouse” “next time it will be 4 days” well the only thing i got to look forward to today is my blood work at 3pm, that will get me out of the house.
You are being punished by your Mom?
What kind of punishment?
I mean you are not a kid!
solitary confinement! she said she doesn’t want to see me for 2 days because i got drunk by myself saturday night. and she won’t let me go to town to get groceries, i’ve probably lost 3 pounds, im barely eating, all i have in the house is pumpkin seeds and raisins.
What does that mean?
Something doesn’t sound right.
You are an adult not a minor.
You should be able to go anywhere you please.
How is she stopping you?
well i borrow their car, when i need to go to town to get something. im not allowed to use their car for a week she said. so no groceries for me, unless i walk, which im not going to do.
Did you tell her that you don’t have food in the house?
yes, she says i can “live off the fat of the land” yesterday they fed me 2 pieces of fried chicken and today dad gave me 8 pizza rolls. so im not completely starving but am damn hungry.
Doesn’t sound right to me.
That’s not enough food and it sounds like abusive behavior on your parents end.
If you don’t feel safe there then you can contact various supportive services.
A good place to start is by talking to a social worker or therapist about it.
How far away is the grocery store?
Can you take an Uber to the grocery store?
it’s 2 or 3 miles, 1 mile is all highway with no shoulders, which is why i haven’t walked there, it’s not a bad walk once you get to town. plus i don’t want to look like a crazy person walking along the road coming out of town. alot of cops drive by and they would probably stop and question if they saw me walking.
i can maybe ride a bicycle when traffic is not bad. i will get enough food for 2 days.
I don’t think it’s reasonable for your parents to expect you to walk 3 miles, one of which is highway.
You should contact either police or a social worker and report on what’s going on
Your parents shouldn’t starve you. My parents try to bcz I am fat but I end up hiding food in my room or ordering food online from walmart and hide it in my room.
Sometimes yelling at my parents works.
You shouldn’t have to hide food. That’s completely ridiculous. You’re an adult.
They’re trying to make me lose weight, I am 290lb.
@Lifer, are you disabled?
It doesn’t matter. No adult should have to hide their food. I mean, if you asked for their help in losing weight it makes sense to give you less food.