BMI around 31 in the overweight category - down to genetics.

My blood sugar levels ( HbA1c) are still high 39 - maximum is around 41.

I need to exercise otherwise I will be classed as diabetic. I don’t fancy taking metformin on top of my other medication. It is going to interact with the levothyroxin I take. Despite what people say metformin only causes weight loss in the early stages. :frowning:

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Your A1C is 39? That’s off the charts. Mine is 10.1 and that’s considered dangerously high.

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I think there’s a difference between Europe and USA in the measurements and units used.


That sounds scary 77nick77. What are you doing to counteract it?

My doc raised my Metformin from 500mg a day to 2000mg. At least I don’t need insulin. And I’m watching my sugar intake.

Do you find you have lost weight on metformin?

I was on it a year before I lost any weight.

I assume you lost most of the weight when your dose was increased if you can remember?

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Mine gets that high but I’m type 1 diabetic. She cheers when I can get it below 8.0. So yeah, if you can lower that it would be good. Adding cinnamon to what you eat is good at keeping blood sugars low and stable. If you sprinkle it in oatmeal in the morning it helps throughout the day. It makes a huge difference. Hope this helps.

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You’re right @sweetpotatopie, there’s many sources that say cinnamon lowers blood sugar. So yes, that helps.

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Yeah the great thing about cinnamon is that not only lowers, but also prevents from it spiking. If you can’t stand the taste you can get it in capsules.

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Yeah thanks. Amazon sells cinnamon capsules.

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Yes it is more, mine too max it was 10.7

That’s high. Are you on medication to lower it?

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Yes on two vildabus sr 100 and dapagliflozin 10mg , by the way you just reminded me to take these tablets :hugs: @77nick77

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