Do you have normal feet? *Poll*

  • I have high arch (My feet curve higher than normal)
  • I have medium(normal) arch (Most or all of the midsection of my sole does not touch the ground)
  • I have low arch (Most of or all of my sole touches the ground)
  • Other

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I need orthopaedic shoes but canā€™t effort them, thatā€™s why I wear flip flops.


I got some shoeinlay units that are good for low arch at a ā€œfeet shopā€. I use them in some of my shoes, but to be honest I donā€™t know if they do me much good.

I am platfoot, but across instead of the normal way.
My feet also have a gap between the big toe and the other toes


I have a somewhat curled wonky toe, one on each foot!! My toenail is kinda being stepped on, a little bit!! Itā€™s genetic. My mom has wonky curled toes. :open_mouth:


Iā€™ve been told I have hobbit feet and Iā€™m inclined to agree. Iā€™m barefoot most of the day.

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I have a ā€˜rolling in-stepā€™. Not sure exactly, but I think it means Iā€™m high arch in the inside and low arch on the outside. I had to put inserts in my ski boots to correct it.

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I always refer to my feet as Flintstones feet. Theyā€™re relatively small (length wise) but very very wide and I have flat feet.

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Iā€™ve always had high arches. I donā€™t know if they are abnormally high or not though. My left big toe is crooked because I broke it last year.

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My claws need filing, but, yeah.



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