Guys anyone using pure Cbd oil ..?

Pls mention benifits and doses yoy take per day…

Is it super expensive.?

I’ve ingested CBD in many forms recently. I stay away from THC. It didnt help me as much as I sometimes hoped. The most noticeable effects it had on me were replacing anxiety with anger, making it easier to relax my body, and headaches when I ingested too much.

Idk what you mean by expensive.

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Yes, it’s expensive. I use it for insomnia and anxiety. It helps some, but it’s not magical.


@cdwithdcs one month supply is over 180$ …

Dosing is also Confusing for me because i never used it … but smoked a lot in my teens…

I want something for negative and cognitive symptoms…

Some member here suggested me sarcosine nac l theanine and dmg

Dont know how to start…!!

I use the cbd flower through a dry herb vape. It helps with anxiety. I’m not sure it would help your negatives or cognitive symptoms.

I also have a more optimistic outlook on things since I started using it.

I find it habit forming too, BTW


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I have used cbd oil, and i do so rarely. When something is off I’ll take it. But for me it’s not an every day thing. Just doesn’t seem to have the same benefit as if I would take it for an occurrence. What I meant to say is I don’t take Cbd oil as a preventative. Works well for after workout soreness!

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It was useless for me, made me tired and sleepy all day. Its a side effect of CBD, look it up in Wikipedia. I ordered Sarcosine and will switch my Latuda to Risperdal soon. I read both improve negative symptoms.

I found smoking high cbd marijuana to have a stronger and faster effect than cbd oil.

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I have some high mg cbd vape from a marijuana dispensary. It’s ok for anxiety, but doesn’t seem to work for high anxiety days.

I take pure CBD gummies 10 mg twice a day. It manages my anxiety and insomnia enough that I haven’t had to take my PRN for either of those in over two months.

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@Ninjastar how much is like cbd gummy per month…if it isnt expensive i would like to purchase…

Mine is 45 USD for 50 gummies, and I take two a day.

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There are cheaper ones out there, but I specifically only buy ones with a third party lab report proving they are THC free and the correct dosage.

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@supernova yes i know lab report from reputable institution is a must … i dont know lock over will end soon… but delivary from u.s is like 3 week to nepal… hahha …

but i am trying different fruit extract like acai berry for antioxidant need …

do you know any good anti oxidant …??? suggest me somthing if you know…

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I think blueberries are a great antioxidant.



we have i pulse here its a good anti oxidant prepared with different berries extract including blue black starwbeery … Ita 50$ for 15 days…

recently i was diagnosed with gastric ulcer may be cancer … so i would like to buy pure high strength cbd oil …

have a great days guys…

This seems like a rip off. You can get plenty of antioxidants just eating fruit.

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It’s my experience that CBD products are only $28/month. I buy my gummies from cbdMD.

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It is my experience that the cheaper ones still contain up to .03% THC, just as a head’s up.

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We had a class about anti oxidants and I strongly advice you not buy anything marketing as an anti oxidant. They don’t help you at all…

Let me tell you why… Most studies using anti oxidant as a helpful substance were epidemiological studies, so they weren’t scientifically accurate. Second they were made comparing two groups of people, those who ate anti oxidants and those who didn’t ate it. So how do they found those results? Mainly because people who used to eat anti oxidants like fruits and so on also had a healthy lifestyle, like going to the gym and eat other healthy foods besides those fruits.

Those who didn’t ate fruits with anti oxidants were also the same group of people who didn’t eat healthy foods or had any healthy lifestyle. So that’s why you can find those results.

Let me remember you that epidemiological studies is they cheapest “scientific” study you can do, and on these studies you may find results that aren’t truth and most companies that do them use them to market some benefits that their products may not have.

I hope you can improve in your health issues! Best of luck with the cbd oil :wink: