Guilt is such a bitch

Guilt torments us and i am faced with it by my family members attacking me and other people.

It makes me depressed and sad. I wish people didnt guilt trip me so much.

Im trying my best ffs


I feel guilty about the past. I wish I didn’t though.

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There is a difference between guilt and regret. Guilt means you should have known better. Regret means you’re sorry the way things turned out but you did the best you knew how at the moment. It means taking responsibility for your actions, but not necessarily feeling guilty…because you are an imperfect human being (as we all are). Try not to blame yourself.

If you know you didn’t do anything wrong, you wouldn’t have guilt. So if the guilt is persistent and distressing, seeing a professional could help you figure out why you have it and relieve it. Don’t live with distress when you don’t have to.


I try not to do anything bad, cause if I get ill, it would just haunt me to no end


But sometimes were made to believe it’s our fault. So we feel guilty.

I feel no guilt and no regret.

I hate these cliches but, no one can make you feel guilty without your own permission.
If you are not guilty, don’t feel guilty.
If you are guilty, admit it (at least to yourself) and do something about it.
Sorry if it sounds harsh but I like to keep things short.

Ok first of all ■■■■■■■■. If I’m guilty for the abuse I suffered as a child then that is more ■■■■■■ up than anything. I was conditioned to feel guilty for everything. I don’t care how many meds or how much therapy I go through I’m still probably going to struggle with that for the rest of my life.

So no you don’t sound harsh just ignorant.

I was an unknowing scape goat for everything my parents did wrong until I did some of it myself. Those behaviors bug me even though I know that I had lost my mind and my sense of self and self value. And I tend to throw out my mind saying “What will I think up to do with it next?” The rage toward my parents gets off target and relatively innocent people get hurt. I have hurt people, animals and property. It makes me sad sometimes.

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I feel guilty for stupid things. Stealing a cookie when I was 9. Not leaving my change in the vending machine, being annoyed by people. Stuff like that. And not so stupid things like being an ass to people. I’m pretty much a bad person.

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I’m not sure what you are on about with your comment – it seems to come with a hell of a lot of (inaccurate) assumptions about what I said.

Nothing in my comment has anything to do with your alleged “abuse.” I said that you shouldn’t feel guilty unless you’ve done something that warrants feeling guilty.

But I digress. You can wallow in your self-pity for all I care. I COULD GIVE A DAMN.

I have a crushing amount of guilt for my past words and behavior. It might even be the reason I’m schizophrenic.

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Not wallowing in self pity. Just saying guilt isn’t a choice. Nor is guilt always a person’s fault.

Being abused is not your fault, nor your choice.
I had to ask myself if it were my fault, why were the abusers always stressing the fact that I couldn’t “tell” anyone about what they were doing to me?

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It’s weird @patrickt I have the same crushing guilt for past actions and words. Dunno why but I regret almost everything I do if I think about it.

I’ve heard and observed more than once today people assuming guilt that wasn’t theirs. Why do we borrow guilt from people and situations? I still tend to say I’m sorry in order just to smooth the wrinkle in another person’s brow and avoid conflict. It’s silly of me because I’m not really sorry, but just paying lip service for no reason. But yes, I take on guilt that isn’t mine, too.

I’ve had excessive guilt since I was a kid

Thats true thank you.

sometimes those feelings come back to me. even though I know I’m not responsible, sometimes I get caught up in how they told me it was my fault…

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I doubt many of us have anything to really feel guilty about.

I used to give myself a hard time for doing drugs in the past… but most of the folk I know consider it an innocent right to life.

We certainly can’t be blamed for our illness…

Watch how people who guilt you squirm as you put the guilt back on them.

It really is petty, but guilt does have it’s place in human development. I spend to much time with old-age thinkers… they refuse to ever acknowledge guilt… guilt means debt… and the only debt they seem to be comfortable with is financial.

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