Group therapy

How many of you engage in group therapy?

Group therapy has never worked well for me other than attending 12 Step programs.

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I was offered CBT in a group setting and I told them I didnt want to do it. Its hard enough speaking to someone one on one, I don’t want 4 of us speaking to the same psychologist.


Don’t want to minimize that normal people have stress and need therapy. But I did not feel I could share my core beliefs. It would disrupt the whole group.

I never gone back.

I do every week. It’s helpful to me

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Do you share your SZ experience to the group?

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A bit, yes. Not heavily though

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Maybe timing had a thing to do with it when I was experiencing major positive symptoms and I just could not relate to anything anyone was sharing and when the therapist asked me to share my core beliefs. I thought omg mine is so dangerous. Still I think I would need to be in a group with others who experience psychosis.

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Yeah. I know what you mean… in my group, there’s one guy who is not in reality. So that makes me feel s little better


@LilyoftheValley Sorry the way you put it made me chuckle.


Lol! I like a good laugh. Glad you got one


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