Great news! Again!

My stepmother, witch that she is, told me that she and my father are again planning on selling the house in a year and half. Fickle, and hidden are his ways, my father.
So now I will be downsized to a suburban 2 br which I will have to share with them 1/4 of the year
Making it near impossible to live there long term because of my plans to start a family.

I will have to rent which will push me beyond capacity I don’t know how I will do it. And that’s if I have less symptoms and actually keep the jobs I’m aiming for.

Very depressing morning


I’m sorry. Stress around one’s living situation is the worst kind of stress.


Yeah I’m sorry @FreeLunch


What really hurts is that my father made promises to me that he’s not keeping. So wtf am I supposed to make of anything he says now. He’s just a liar, and I know that now.

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Thanks @everhopeful @Wave


Sorry to hear that, rlly.
It’s terrible, but sometimes things happen out of our control.
Wish you the best


It’s in 1.5 years. That gives them still ample of time to change their minds.

But it’s hard building a future with inconsistent people. I understand and am sorry that you have to deal with that crap.

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He came into my room a while back and was like, I’m giving you the audi (the one he owns)! It’s yours! Then he said later that in fact my stepmother wanted it, sorry, but that I could use one of the leased cars whenever I wanted. It doesnt even matter because I lack a license but it belies the whole thing. He just says ■■■■ to me and does another. And a lot of it has to do with my stepmother in his ear.


Get it in writing next time!

I’ve lend some money to family members, but I’ve put it in writing. In Dutch we say ‘good rules make good friends’.

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So my father just said that she’s wrong and he’s not selling the house

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I really dislike this woman she ruined my morning


They might change their minds 10 more times.

I would pass for the rollercoaster and just wait until you see the real estate sign or not.


Lol thanks your probably right

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I guess look at it as an opportunity to grow? Best to make sure you can handle employment before you try handling a family, too.


Well, definitely. You are right that I need to be working if I want to start a family. My concern is that my generation only has 50% home ownership in America. It’s getting harder for us to make our way. It’s not like it was in the 60s and 70s

Oh, I know. My kid has the same fear.

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It’s 18 months away.

And probably longer than that.

Additionally, they’ve changed their plans a couple times at this point.

It’s likely to change again.

I’m not saying don’t prepare,

But don’t freak out either.

Regardless, you do have time to pull it together and find a good situation for yourself.

I just spoke with my father and he’s planning for a long term break up potentially. Like literally planning to live with her for another year while secretly planning an exit. :person_facepalming:


I just accepted. I’ll never be able to own a home. The only chance I have of that ever being a possibility if I attain a remote job and live in low cost housing area within the United States that no one wants to be in.

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Yeah I’m looking at remote jobs as my only potential and would only be able to purchase a safe home by rolling over equity from my inheritance (the house I live in and cannot afford)

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