Got a copper IUD today... And it hurt

So my mental health nurse practitioner told me that with depakote it makes it where hormonal birth control doesn’t usually work as well as it should and it would be dangerous for me to get pregnant while on depakote because it skyrockets the risk of birth defects and of course I don’t want that so David and I sat down together and decided that although he is gonna try and get snip snipped I was gonna get a copper IUD so after talking to a OBGYN about this she tried to help me find a place around this small town that had one on hand and in the end I went to the health department

Fast forward to today
I got to my appointment and second thing they do is say “I’m gonna go get your painkiller” and I was like okay and I took it and while we were waiting for this to kick in they gave me a pregnancy test, asked questions, and helped me with paperwork… Some of the questions were kinda scary like do you tend to faint when in pain and I usually do not and right before they started they asked this again and this time I said well I’ve gotten several tattoos and always sat well and never fainted and they said fair enough and asked if I had ate and thank goodness I had because no one had told me I needed to. And then they started and let me tell you it HURT but I stayed mostly relaxed and tried my best not to tense as this went on and after a bit we were done and as I sat up the woman who put it in said “your vagina measures at 9 inches if it was half an inch longer we wouldn’t have be able to put it in so you may not be able to feel the strings” she also warned that I will be finding blood for a while and that I should take “high amounts of Tylenol for pain and don’t take ibuprofen today but to start that tomorrow”

I have one question… How in the world do you get a 9 inch vagina… IDK if I should be embarrassed or proud like dang!


That’s more than twice the average size.

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I’ll also add that IUDs hurt like hell and tylenol is not enough.


@Charles_Foster I know I just looked it up the average is 3.77 inches but that’s what she said…

Yeah I agree that it hurts like hell… To help me feel a little better David got me some baked sushi (not raw) and green tea ice cream ordered for delivery and is helping me so I don’t have to get up or walk far

Damn, you’re hung like a mare.


I have the hormonal IUD. And I agree with you, it HURTS when they put it in. I have one medium sized tattoo that I sat for 5 hours to get it done in one sitting/visit. And I gotta say, the IUD hurt way more than my tattoo. :sweat_smile:

I doubt it. Unless she stuck a ruler in there, she wouldn’t know anyway. And the strings aren’t long enough for such a thing. Not if you have to check it monthly, which you do. Your fingers wouldnt reach.

Yeah I realized that lol

@Blossom I’d agree

@anon4362788 well she stuck something up there and then measured what part went in and that’s what she’s going by… And I’m just saying what she said

Are you sure she didn’t say centimeters? Because 9 is pretty standard in cm.

@anon4362788 she said inches I’m positive, she also said if I was half an inch longer she wouldn’t have been able to put it in at all

@77nick77 I looked it up lol

What the heck!

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It’s possible for your anatomy to be different. It’s very rare, but possible. I’m sorry it hurt so much

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@LilyoftheValley it wouldn’t be the first time that I was different… At age 13 I was diagnosed with a bad case of graves disease and I was told by the specialist that I was the youngest and worst case of graves disease he had ever seen back in 2006

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@LilyoftheValley I had to go through two rounds of radioactive iodine treatments it was stressful

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Girl dang! That’s long enough for a subway sandwich to hide!


@anon55031185 yeeeeaaaahhh :flushed: :grimacing:

That’s awful. My aunt went through that. She was young too. I’m sorry you suffered so much

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@LilyoftheValley it’s all good… It was no one’s fault and I understand that and yeah no kid deserves to be sick but at least it didn’t kill me… I mean it almost did so I’m glad it didn’t

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welp today on i learned about the length of vaginas lol


I’m putting my money on frustrated. They could stop a lot of abortions if they made free birth control universally available - present on every street corner.

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